SOUTH TANGERANG — Fifteen asatidz from across the region attended communication learning classes at the Batch 8 Empowering Dai School organized by Corps Dai Dompet Dhuafa (Cordofa) at Syahida Inn Auditorium, Ciputat, South Tangerang, Banten on Thursday (3/11/2022).
In the agenda, there were two speakers who were competent in their fields, namely Taufan Yusuf Nugroho as Dompet Dhuafa’s Public Relations Manager and Andhika Satria Prabowo as Dompet Dhuafa’s Journalist. Both then presented material about journalism, both writing and photography. The participants who attended also seemed enthusiastic about listening to the material presented by the Dompet Dhuafa Public Relations Manager and Journalist.
At the beginning of the session, Taufan explained the stages of Reportage and Humanitarian Journalism. The class session was not only filled with material presentation, but also with practice. All participants enthusiastically worked on writing assignments and also presented their writing in front of other participants.
Read also: Dai Pemberdaya School Batch 8: A Form of Dompet Dhuafa’s Consistency in Alleviating Poverty

“This batch, I think many are enthusiastic about the world of writing and journalism. Everyone took their assignments seriously and almost all participants were brave enough to present their writing. In fact, some said that the results of this interview could become a book. This is a positive step that I think can be a good provision in the assignment,” Taufan explained.
Not only that, the class discussion was also well developed. The participants took turns throwing questions that built discussion in the writing and photojournalism class of Sekolah Dai Pemberdaya Batch 8. Starting from questions about the flow of composing good writing, making evocative titles, technical layout principles to how to deal with boredom in the profession, were thrown out in the discussion session.
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“In making photo documentation, I try to make work from the creative side. It’s not just about presenting the logo of our organization that fills the frame and doesn’t look aesthetic. Luckily, I get freedom in producing photo documentation. So that many photos are produced that have a strong message for campaigns at Dompet Dhuafa, “said Dhika Prabowo, when delivering a photo class session and philanthropic journalism.
The sharing, discussion and presentation of material regarding writing, documentation and journalism are expected to be a provision for the preachers later when serving in the community. Thus, more and more stories are reported by the preachers to the wider community, especially Dompet Dhuafa donors.***