JAKARTA — Ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1444 H, Gading Festival intensifies kindness and happiness with orphans. This time, Gading Festival collaborated with Dompet Dhuafa to invite 30 orphans from the Sayyidul Hasaniah Foundation under the Dompet Dhuafa Community Service Institution (LPM). This kindness movement in Ramadan was held at Gading Festival Food &; Fun Sedayu City, Kelapa Gading, on Monday (17/4/2023).
This activity was also held to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the Gading Festival. Intensifying kindness with Dompet Dhuafa to glorify orphans in Ramadan this year through the Orphans glorification program “Parcel of Happiness,” this activity shares happiness with orphans by giving school kit packages, breaking the fast and enjoying playgrounds at Gading Festival Food &; Fun.
General Manager (GM) of Operation Commercial & Retail 1 Sedayu City, Jarenta Sinaga, revealed that this activity is a form of management’s gratitude for the positive response that has been given by customers to the Gading Festival for the past four years.
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“The activity with Dompet Dhuafa is a form of gratitude from the management team for the positive response that has been given by Gading Festival customers and is always loyal and hope that Gading Festival continues to be the best culinary place in the North & East Jakarta area,” said Jarenta.
On the same occasion, Suci N. Qadarsih, Chairman of the Ramadhan 1444 H Dompet Dhuafa Committee, revealed one of the Dompet Dhuafa programs, namely Orphans Glorification. The program was held to empower and assist orphaned younger siblings. Suci also appreciated the Gading Festival for supporting Dompet Dhuafa in empowering orphans.

“For this reason, at this event, we thank Gading Festival for accompanying younger siblings to be able to enjoy dishes at Gading Festival later, but also participate in enjoying the facilities in Sedayu City,” said Suci.
In addition, there are also a series of other events, such as performances from Angklung Marge, Learning Angklung (Tausiyah), the preachment delivered by Ustaz Herman Budianto, GM of Da’wah Services and Culture of Dompet Dhuafa. Orphans can enjoy playgrounds at Gading Festival Food &; Fun, such as Angsa Gowes, Children’s Playground, The Adventure Park, and The Aviary.

“We are pleased with holding the Parcel of Happiness at Gading Festival. We can share happiness with all orphaned siblings, the beneficiaries in today’s iftar event invite younger siblings to follow and enjoy the rides in our place and provide compensation along with school supplies for the beneficiaries’ younger siblings,” continued Jarenta.
Wildah Esteuh Salman Al Farizi (17), one of the Parcel of Happiness beneficiaries, expressed her gratitude to Dompet Dhuafa and Gading Festival.
“I thank you, really thank you to Dompet Dhuafa and Gading Festival for helping this for my friends. Today we feel pleased!” explained Salman.
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Meanwhile, Yusron Zio Del Alfino (9), recounted the excitement of being able to enjoy various rides at the Gading Festival Food & Fun.
“It’s fascinating! We have never been on a flying fox. Thank you, I hope it always goes smoothly. Aamiin. I was riding a flying fox, riding a gowes goose, eating well,” Zio exclaimed enthusiastically.
Dompet Dhuafa is an institution that requires good collaboration from various partners and stakeholders. Furthermore, Suci hopes this will not be the last collaboration with Gading Festival Food &; Fun. It is hoped that Dompet Dhuafa, with their partners, can continue to spread kindness so that more people will be helped. (Dompet Dhuafa/Anndini)