KARAWACI, TANGERANG — In a warm and energetic room, a group of women with radiant faces learned to create magic from touch. They are the participants of the Maternity Spa training organized by Dompet Dhuafa’s Institute of Independence (IK) through the Paradaya Movement program, in collaboration with PT Paragon Corp. and Forum Zakat (FOZ). With skillful hands, the 20 women at Institut Kemandirian Karawaci’s Main Campus learned soothing massage techniques, pampering body treatments, and the secrets to creating an unforgettable spa experience.
This training is not just about mastering massage techniques. It is about fulfilling the dream of independence for women who may have been constrained by economic limitations. Through this program, they are given the opportunity to explore their potential, build confidence, and open the door to a brighter future.

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Ratna Jumila, a housewife from Tangerang, was one of the most enthusiastic participants. With a twinkle in her eye, she shared how the training has changed her life.
“All this time, I just stayed at home. This training gave me new hope. I really want to be financially independent and help my family,” she said.
Ratna’s hope is not in vain. Dompet Dhuafa, through the Institute of Independence, has proven that with the right training and strong support, anyone can achieve success.
Tirta Rahayu, Development Program Supervisor of the Institute of Independence, explains, “We not only provide technical skills, but also equip participants with soft skills that are important in the world of work, such as communication, teamwork, and problem solving.”

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Maternity Spa training is not just about imparting massage skills. It is about empowering women, improving the well-being of families, and building stronger communities. By becoming massage therapists, the participants not only earn extra income, but also get the inner satisfaction of being able to help others.
Through their gentle touch, these trainees not only relieve muscle tension, but also spread warmth and compassion. They are living proof that every individual has the potential to make positive changes in his or her life and in the lives of others.

The Maternity Spa trainees are an inspiration to us all. That with a strong will, the right support and hard work, we can overcome all challenges and achieve our dreams.
Let us continue to support efforts to empower women like this. Because by empowering women, we have built a better future for future generations. With close collaboration between various parties, Maternity Spa training is a tangible manifestation of joint efforts to create a more independent and empowered society.
TheInstitute of Independence is a vocational and business incubation institution that provides education and training in hard skills, soft skills, and life skills for the community, especially productive age in Indonesia from the management of zakat and waqf funds. Through various innovative and sustainable training and incubation programs. Institut Kemandirian is committed to contributing to improving the quality of human resources in Indonesia. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photos: Siti Halimatussadiah, Sri Apriyanti
Editor: Dhika