Giving Alms Selflessly: A Lesson for Every Muslim

Ilustrasi gambar untuk artikel hukum menyalurkan zakat ke keluarga atau kerabat terdekat, artikel sedekah di hari asyura

Selfless giving holds a pivotal place within Islamic teachings. Charity, characterized by sincere generosity without any anticipation of reward, is foundational to Muslim religious practices. In Islam, charity is profoundly significant, benefiting both the recipient and the donor immensely.

1.      The Virtue of Charity in Islam

Charity, a core pillar of Islam, is a form of worship greatly encouraged by Allah SWT. The Quran highlights the value of charity in numerous verses, such as in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 261:

The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 261)

2.      The Meaning of Selfless Charity

Selfless charity reflects the purity of one’s intentions and dedication in worshipping Allah SWT. It embodies true giving, devoid of any desire for reciprocity or acclaim. This form of charity encourages humility, fosters gratitude for Allah’s blessings, and promotes aid to others without ulterior motives.

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3.      Historical Examples of Selfless Charity

The annals of Islamic history are replete with instances of selfless charity from the Prophet’s companions and other distinguished Islamic figures. Abu Bakr Ash-Shiddiq, a companion of Prophet Muhammad SAW and one of Mecca’s wealthiest merchants pre-Islam, is a prime example. Upon embracing Islam, Abu Bakr utilized his wealth to support others and advocate for Allah SWT’s religion.

During Islam’s nascent phase, when funds were crucial for preaching and protecting oppressed Muslims, Abu Bakr generously contributed most of his wealth to the Islamic community’s welfare, despite his financial difficulties. His actions are a testament to his genuine piety and devotion to Allah SWT.

4.      Benefits of Selfless Charity

The advantages of selfless charity are manifold, encompassing worldly and heavenly rewards. In the temporal realm, charity can mitigate the hardships of the needy, attract sustenance blessings, and offer protection from misfortunes. Beyond this life, it serves as sadaqah jariyah, a perpetual charity that benefits the donor endlessly, even posthumously.

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5.      Challenges in Performing Selfless Charity

Executing selfless charity, crucial as it is, comes with its challenges. Greed, materialism, and egotism can impede benevolent actions devoid of self-interest. Yet, with a deep understanding of charity’s significance in Islam and a commitment to its teachings, Muslims are poised to surmount these obstacles and embrace sincere generosity.

Embracing selfless charity draws us nearer to Allah SWT, aids our brethren in faith, and secures divine blessings. Let’s persist in embodying Islam’s exalted principles, making selfless charity an integral aspect of our enriched lives.

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