Getting married in the month of Suro is a scourge for Javanese society. Because Javanese people believe this month is a month of concern, people are advised not to hold celebrations. If it is violated, it is believed to bring evil. But how about getting married in the month of Suro or Muharram in the Islamic view? Is marriage in this month discouraged? Check out the following review.
Why are Javanese people not advised to marry in the month of Suro?
When the 1st of Suro arrives, the Javanese people will carry out rituals to welcome the arrival of the month of Muharram, which in the Javanese calendar is called the month of Suro or Suran. Javanese people have carried out this tradition since the Islamic Mataram Era during the reign of Sultan Agung. The Javanese calendar was born during the reign of the king and began from the Saka year of Hinduism, which was later adjusted to the Hijri Islamic New Year, precisely in 1633 AD or 1555 in the Javanese calendar.
Night 1 Suro has its place in the hearts of the Javanese people. This is due to several things. First, because Javanese people view spiritual and mystical values as present at the turn of the Javanese new year, they make one of the references in navigating life.
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Second, traditional Javanese people believe that the night of one suro is sacred, especially if it coincides with Friday. Because in plain view, in the Moon of Suro there is a moment where all the magical gates open. The turn of the year is considered the time of the meeting of the supernatural and human worlds in Javanese cosmology. For this reason, many Javanese people have special interactions with supernatural beings according to their beliefs dub it the sacred month.
Third, the month of Suro for Javanese people is considered as the month of concern. Therefore, holding a party in the month of concern is inappropriate because it is believed to have bad consequences if violated. In order to get salvation in the month of Suro, instead of holding a party, Javanese people are encouraged to hold tirakatan or get closer to God.
Quoting the Berita Magelang page, Budayawan Ahmad Tohari said that the month of Suro is considered a month of concern by the Javanese people because it is related to the Karbala tragedy that killed the favourite grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, namely Husain Ali bin Abi Talib. As a result of this event, the ban on holding celebrations in the month of Suro appeared as a form of respect for the death of two favourite grandchildren of the Prophet Saw.
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Islamic Views on Getting Married in the Moon of Suro
Through the Qur’an surah At-Tawbah verse 36, Allah explains that there are 12 months in human life in the world. Among the 12 months, 4 months are referred to as haram months by Him. The four months are Zulkaidah, Zulhijah, Muharram, and Rajab. This interpretation is in accordance with what the Apostle’s hadith reads:
“Indeed, this age has gone (turning), just like the journey when God created the heavens and the earth, of which there are 12 months in one year. Among them there are four haram months, three months of which (are located) consecutively, namely Zulkaidah, Zul-Hijah, and Muharram. Then Rajab was between Jumadil (End) and Shaban.” (H.R. Bukhari and Muslim).
However, it does not mean that months other than Zulkaidah, Zul-Hijah, Muharram, and Rajab are bad months. In essence, all times are good for us, and we can do anything daily, including marriage. In Islamic law, no specific day is forbidden to hold a wedding. In Islamic sharia, no nash discusses the determination of a certain day, month, and year to carry out marriage, be it from the Qur’an or hadith.
In addition, no nash prohibits (nash yang melarang) a person from having a wedding in these months. Because, marriage is a sunatullah highly recommended by Allah Almighty as stated in surah An-nur verse 32. In a shahih hadith, the Holy Prophetsa also advised his people to perform marriage if Muslims already can do so.
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If Allah and His Messenger have clearly determined the law of something. Whether it is obligatory, sunah, haram, makruh, or mubah and also the limits and details have been explained, then our obligation is to hold on to it as the determinant of the Shari’a. Whereas, if Allah and His Messenger have decreed something, while the limits and detailed explanations are not expressly stated, then in such a matter, al-‘urf or customs and customs that have been popular in society can be used as guidelines.
Thus, it can be concluded that to hold a marriage in Islam, there is no need to wait for a certain time, such as a certain day, month, or year. According to the Islamic view, marrying in the month of Suro or Muharram is not forbidden or allowed.
The terms and pillars of marriage listed in Islamic law or in Law Number 1 of 1974 also do not mention that performing marriage must be carried out on a certain day or month. There is also no mention of a ban on marriage at certain times. So, marriage can be held at any time, including in the month of Suro or the month of Muharram.
Wallahua’lam bisshawab…