KYUSHU SAGA, JAPAN — Dai Ambassador Dompet Dhuafa, assigned by Japan, held an Open Together and Ramadan Study event for Indonesian Citizens (WNI) on Kyushu Saga Island on Tuesday (18/4/2023). The event, which took place at Apato Saga Daigaku, was a success thanks to the full support of the Japanese branch of Dompet Dhuafa.
Although this activity is full of Islamic nuances and is held during Ramadan, Indonesian citizens who attend are not only Muslims. Non-Muslim citizens were also present. This activity is a form of solidarity with the togetherness of our nationalities.
In addition, the Open Together and Ramadan Study event was also attended by Muslims from other countries, one of which was from Bangladesh, who also enlivened the event. Because many participants attended and came from different groups, the portion of the event was made differently.
The distribution included Muslim students and their families opening buffet dishes at the event location. Meanwhile, rice boxes are provided for kenshusei, Bangladeshi nationals, and others due to limited time and demanding working conditions. As for compatriot for non-Muslims, and as a form of union or oneness, is given rice boxes and gifts to foster togetherness.
Before ending with iftar, the activity was filled with Ramadhan Studies from Dai Ambassador Dompet Dhuafa, assigned by Japan, namely Ustaz H Aulia Rijal, Lc, MA. In the study, Ustaz Aulia also socialized zakat (obligation charity), infak, alms, waqf (ziswaf), and the collection of zakat fitrah.
Baca juga: Mahalnya Kemerdekaan Waktu dan Kesempatan Ibadah Bagi Kaum Muslim di Jepang
Thanks to this activity, Indonesian citizens in Japan who attended the Open Together and Ramadan Study event also thanked the Dompet Dhuafa family in Japan. (Dompet Dhuafa/Dai Ambassador Japan, Ustaz Aulia Rijal/Ronna)