JAKARTA — Dompet Dhuafa continues to strive and improve towards a better direction. As a manifestation of its humanitarian performance report, Dompet Dhuafa held the Indonesia Humanitarian Summit or I-HitS 2023, on Thursday (21/12/2023) at Ciputra Artpreneur, South Jakarta. This time, Dompet Dhuafa engaged all stakeholders to discuss, seek solutions to poverty, humanitarian, and development issues.
Rahmad Riyadi, the Chairman of Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation, was present to inaugurate the I-HitS 2023 event. Additionally, Imdadun Rahmat, Chairman of BAZNAS RI, Nelwan Harahap, Assistant Deputy at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, and Waryono Abdul Ghafur, Director of Zakat and Wakaf Empowerment at the Ministry of Religious Affairs, also attended.
The event consisted of several segments, including Public Expose 2023, Poverty Outlook 2024, Working Group of the five pillars of Dompet Dhuafa, various entertainment and empowerment exhibitions, and concluded with Stand Up Comedy by Didi Kuli and Sound Of Humanity.
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I-Hits 2023 served as the main forum to provide a detailed report on Dompet Dhuafa’s activities, analyze achievements, and invite cross-sector participation in tackling poverty challenges and advancing national development.
Rahmat Riyadi expressed his gratitude to all Dompet Dhuafa stakeholders for their support that enables this Islamic philanthropic organization to fulfill its duties. As an annual effort as an Islamic philanthropic organization, Dompet Dhuafa focuses on empowerment in various fields, including health, education, economy, social, da’wah, and culture.
“This year, we have initiated about 22 areas as miniatures of empowerment content. In this year’s report, Dompet Dhuafa will also share its experiences as discussions for handling issues related to these humanitarian topics,” Rahmad revealed.
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The event aimed to strengthen the ecosystem of Islamic philanthropy in Indonesia through cross-stakeholder collaboration. It also sought to consolidate Dompet Dhuafa’s position in poverty alleviation and national development efforts.
I-HitS 2023 provided an information report and communicated fundraising and distribution achievements to the public, shared ideas, validated program methods, and circulated good practices from Dompet Dhuafa and other philanthropic institutions. Furthermore, it facilitated meetings among stakeholders in the philanthropy movement to unify vision, strategy, and action.
Representing the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK), Nelwan Harahap, Assistant Deputy at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, congratulated Dompet Dhuafa on the successful organization of the Indonesia Humanitarian Summit (I-HitS) 2023. Humanitarian is a keyword that reflects the highest value of humanity.
“Congratulations to Dompet Dhuafa for the successful organization of I-HitS 2023 and all of Dompet Dhuafa’s achievements. Humanitarian is a keyword that is part of the highest value of humanity. There are 99 names of goodness in Asmaul Husna, and we start with the Most Compassionate and the Most Merciful,” said Nelwan.
The I-HitS 2023 event was exciting, educational, and entertaining. Besides program presentations, there were also booths and exhibitions from all Dompet Dhuafa’s networks and programs, showcasing their empowerment and service works, along with interactive games. (Dompet Dhuafa/Syafira/Dhika Prabowo)