JAKARTA — The first day of the Indonesia Giving Fest – Zakat Expo 2022 on Friday (23/12/2022) was lively and full of excitement at the Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta. As many as 199 Zakat Management Organizations (OPZ) Members of the Zakat Forum (FOZ) from all over Indonesia attended to show the positive impact of the Zakat Movement through innovative programs. Dompet Dhuafa also plays an active role in this biggest goodness festival in Indonesia.
Bambang Suherman, as the General Chair of FOZ, explained the primary purpose of holding the first and most immense kindness festival in Indonesia. Indonesia Giving Fest – Zakat Expo 2022 is intended to increase exposure for the Zakat Movement carried out by all FOZ Member OPZs.
“There is a big goal in attending this exhibition, first, of course, to raise exposure to various products of zakat institutions and the best amil (People employed by the priest to collect zakat) through various excellent programs. The Indonesia Giving Fest – Zakat Expo 2022 also wants to invite the public to know more about zakat institutions and their impact,” explained Bambang.

Furthermore, Indonesia Giving Fest – Zakat Expo 2022 is expected to be a forum for interaction between the community and OPZ as zakat managers. “So far, fellow zakat institutions have only met from forums and the like, but through this activity, all of them can see each other and measure each other’s products that have been produced. Of course, this can improve the quality of the products of each zakat institution. We all hope this activity will be a good foothold to strengthen the Zakat Movement in the future,” concluded Bambang.
Drs. H. Tarmizi Tohor, MA, as the Director of Empowerment of Zakat and Waqf Islamic Guidance of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, inaugurated Indonesia Giving Fest – Zakat Expo 2022 on the first day. It carried the theme, The Superb Beginning of Zakat Expo 2022.
“We welcome the presence of LAZ (Amil Zakat Institute) and its participation in building the Zakat Movement in Indonesia. Indonesia Giving Fest – Zakat Expo 2022, which FOZ is holding, is the right step to educate the younger generation about zakat management and its contribution to poverty alleviation in Indonesia,” said Tarmizi.

In line with this, Dr Taufik Hidayat, M.Ec., the Executive Director of the National Sharia Economic and Financial Committee (KNEKS), expressed his appreciation for holding this event. “We express our greatest appreciation to the Zakat Forum for its initiative in holding the Indonesia Giving Fest – Zakat Expo 2022 by increasing exposure and cooperation. We hope this activity will not only impact the Indonesian Zakat Movement for the benefit of mustahik but also become a representation of Indonesia that truly deserves to be awarded the most generous country in the world,” he said.
After the opening ceremony, Dompet Dhuafa received a 2022 Zakat Awards in the Best Economic Program category with its program, Farmer’s Village: Empowered in Own Land. This award was delivered directly by Dr Taufik Hidayat.
Afterwards, Dompet Dhuafa also had the opportunity to present the 2022 Public Expose session representing all other OPZs. The theme raised at the 2022 Public Expose is Islamic Philanthropy, Sustainable Development Goals. This session also includes the Annual Report 2022 Dompet Dhuafa with the piece No One Left Behind (SDG’s Awardee) – Empowering Them to Rise Together. This session was delivered directly by the Director of Communication and Strategic Alliance of Dompet, Dhuafa Bambang Suherman.
Apart from that, Dompet Dhuafa also contributes to filling in its strategic program exhibitions, starting from economic empowerment, health services, social services, and education to culture. (Dompet Dhuafa / Muthohar)