Jakarta – Aid continues to flow to earthquake victims in Cianjur, West Java. This time, it was the turn of Senam Tera Indonesia (STI), in collaboration with Dompet Dhuafa, to distribute humanitarian donations to help the recovery of Cianjur residents. The handover of humanitarian donations took place at the Dompet Dhuafa Office, Philanthropy Building, Jati Padang, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (26/01/2023).
The handover was carried out by representatives of Tera Indonesia Gymnastics, which Dra attended. Hj. Juniwati T. Masjchun Sofwan, Chairman of the Indonesian Tera Gymnastics Daily (STI), Hj. Norma Riana Nono Sampono (chairperson of Tera Peduli), Jenny Sudaryanto (Head of Inter-Institutional Cooperation), Drs. Budi Wahab Santoso (Vice Chairman of R&D).
Representatives of Tera Indonesia Gymnastics were welcomed by Dompet Dhuafa, who was presented by the Director of Da’wah, Culture & Community Services (DBPM) and Dompet Dhuafa Waqf Development ust. Ahmad Shonhaji, Consultant of the Dompet Dhuafa elderly health post dr. Ririn, as well as, Senior Officer of Health Education and Promotion of Dompet Dhuafa Sifing Lestari, and General Manager of Communication & Corporate Secretary of Dompet Dhuafa Dian Mulyadi.
“Thank you to Senam Tera Indonesia for trusting Dompet Dhuafa as a place to distribute humanitarian donations for the recovery of Cianjur residents affected by the earthquake. Hopefully, in the future, many programs will be collaborated to help raise the dignity of the poor in Indonesia,” said Shonhaji.
In handling disasters such as in Cianjur, Dompet Dhuafa has established many synergies with the community. Helping hands from various parties were deemed necessary to speed up the recovery process of the Cianjur earthquake disaster. Dompet Dhuafa seeks to plan programs with a systematically composed system that can be understandable between institutions. This system aims to facilitate and open collaboration on program development more broadly.
“Tera Gymnastics is joint and respiratory gymnastics adapted from Tai Chi Gymnastics originating from China. Tera comes from the word therapy which means exercise, those functions as therapy or treatment. Gymnastics that is done properly and correctly will make the body healthier and fitter and make the soul peaceful and beautiful. Hopefully, what we do can benefit Cianjur residents affected by the earthquake,” said Dra. Hj. Juniwati T. Masjchun Sofwan, as Chairman of the Indonesian Tera Gymnastics Daily (STI)
Until now, Dompet Dhuafa, through the LKC Dompet Dhuafa Health Emergency Response (RDK) and Dompet Dhuafa Disaster Management Center (DMC), has carried out various services. Starting from SAR-Evacuation services, Health Services (Medical, Nutrition Corner, Barzah Start-up, Clean is Healthy, and Massage Therapy), Evacuation Services (Mobile Kitchens, Soup Kitchens, and Distribution), Logistics Services (Food and Non-Food Logistics Distribution), Psychological Services (Psychological First Aid, Learning Centers for Happy Study, and Cheerful Parks), and Early Recovery (Mushola, Amben, Pipanisasi and MCK). (Dompet Dhuafa/PR)