SULAWESI TENGGARA — Out of 34 provinces in Indonesia, Southeast Sulawesi ranks 15th lowest in literacy. Literacy activity in Southeast Sulawesi is only 34.37. This means that the province is in the low literacy category (Puslitjakdibud 2019 data). Based on this data, on Friday (4/11/2022), Dompet Dhuafa launched the Sekolah Literasi Indonesia (SLI) Program.
Sekolah Literasi Indonesia (SLI) is a program that focuses on developing a culture of literacy throughout the educational ecosystem, which includes formal, informal and non-formal education. SLI is present as an effort to build and improve human quality through literacy.
The inauguration ceremony took place at SDN 2 Mola Utara in Wakatobi district and was attended by the Wakatobi district education office, the Indonesian Teachers Association, principals and teachers targeted by the Sekolah Literasi Indonesia program. The schools targeted for the Indonesian Literacy School program in Wakatobi district are SDN 2 North Mola, SDN Buku and SDN Wasumandala.
“The Indonesian Literacy School program is a very good program and in line with what IGI is promoting, namely literacy in Wakatobi Regency. IGI is ready to support Sekolah Literasi Indoensia activities and hopefully can participate in training activities provided by SLI friends in the target schools of the program later,” said Nurhayati, S.Pd, Chairperson of the Indonesian Teachers Association of Wakatobi Regency in her speech.
The activity, which was attended by around 40 participants, was a collaboration between Dompet Dhuafa USA, Dompet Dhuafa Sultra and Sekolah Literasi Indoensia.
Hasmin Roy, Fundraising Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Sultra said, that it is hoped that the presence of the Indonesian Literacy School program in Wakatobi Regency can be a place for teachers to develop creativity and jointly improve literacy in schools.
The launching of Sekolah Literasi Indonesia was opened by the Head of the Wakatobi District Education Office, represented by Mr. Rajib Alzsan as Head of the Basic Education Division.
“I really appreciate the schools that are targeted by the Indonesian Literacy School program, hopefully this program can help improve literacy in schools in Wakatobi Regency,” concluded Mr. Alzsan. (Dompet Dhuafa / DD Sultra)