Is it True that Smile is Almsgiving, What Kind of Smile? This is the Hadith Explanation

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Almsgiving is not always in the form of goods and materials, but almsgiving can also take the form of non-materials. Non-material alms include energy, knowledge, and smiles. Yes, even though it seems trivial and small, giving a smile to others is included in the practice of alms. This was once mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad Saw in the hadith narrated by Tirmidzi and Abu Dhar. So, is it true that a smile is alms?

Smile Is Almsgiving

Happiness is not always present from luxury goods or abundant material, but happiness can also be present from things that seem small like a smile. In fact, a study in Trends in Cognitive Sciences Journal concluded that smiles can be contagious. This is due to the human tendency to try to feel the emotions felt by the person they are talking to or trying to connect with. Thus, it can be said that giving a smile to another person will make that person smile and feel happy too.

This is one of the reasons why smiling is included in alms, as the Prophet Muhammad Saw said in the hadith narrated by Tirmidzi which reads: “Your smile in front of your brother (fellow Muslim) is worth sadaqah for you.” (HR. Tirmidzi)

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The smiles of the orphans after shopping

Not only is it a form of almsgiving, but a smile also means a lot in Islam. Many hadiths mention the wisdom of smiling and the Prophet was the most generous in giving smiles to others. He not only taught with words, but also did what he said in his daily activities.

Hadith about Smile

  • Smile is almsgiving

Abu Dzar (may Allah be pleased with him ) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Your smile in the presence of your brother is a charity for you.” (HR. Tirmidzi)

  • Smile is able to attract others

Abu Hurairah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “You cannot attract people with your wealth, but you can attract them with a radiant face and noble character.” (HR. Al Hakim)

  • Smile is a virtue

“Do not underestimate the slightest kindness, even if it is just meeting your brother with a radiant face.” (HR Muslim)

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One of the beneficiaries, Agam Fathur Halim (5), couldn’t stop smiling because of the new things he felt.
  • The Prophet Muhammad was never stingy in giving a smile

From Jarir bin Abdillah, he narrated: “The Messenger of Allah never saw me since I entered Islam, unless he smiled.” (HR. Bukhari)

  • The Messenger of Allah was the one who smiled the most

Abdullah bin Al Harith said: “I have never seen anyone who smiled more than the Messenger of Allah.” (HR. Tirmidhi)

  • Smiles and greetings are included in charity

“What is included in charity is that you greet people with a smiling (cheerful) face.” (HR. Ibn Abi Dunya)

Types of Smile that Include Charity

In a study, Ustaz Adi Hidayat (UAH) explained about the types of smiles that are included in charity. A smile that includes alms in this case is a smile that is able to bring smiles and happiness to the faces of others. On the other hand, UAH said that not only smiles are included in alms, but all the good things that humans do are alms and rewarded for themselves.

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“In the language of fiqh, charity is called kullu ma’rufin shadaqoh (which means) every good thing is called charity,” explained Ustaz Adi Hidayat as quoted from a video on the Dakwah Itu Keren YouTube channel.

“The sentence in the hadith says “tabassumuka fii wajhi akhiika laka shodaqoh” your beautiful smile that makes your friend happy, a smile that makes people happy, not a smile that makes other people curious about you or you smile (then) he is scared, well that’s not shadaqoh,” continued Ustaz Adi Hidayat.

According to Ustaz Adi Hidayat, giving a smile to others can make our hearts, both the person giving the smile and the person receiving the smile, become spacious. The spaciousness referred to here is a feeling of pleasure. The alumnus of the International Islamic Call College Triopoli Libya then gave a concrete example of how a smile can transmit feelings of joy and happiness.

“When you smile, you give spaciousness to others. You come to an invitation, he smiles you smile, spacious. You come to visit someone’s house, you smile, they smile, they are spacious. That’s alms, everything is called alms,” said UAH.