JAKARTA — The Collaboration of the Empowerment Mosque or Kolaborasi Masjid Pemberdaya (KMP) of Dompet Dhuafa established a meeting and silaturrahim with the Dewan Masjid Indonesia (DMI), located at the Central DMI Building (Gedung DMI Pusat), Matraman, East Jakarta City, on Friday (13/1/2023).
The meeting was attended by DMI Chairman Jusuf Kalla, Dompet Dhuafa Director of Communication and Strategic Alliance Bambang Suherman, KMP Presidium Chairman Andi Juliandi, Dompet Dhuafa Strategic Alliance GM Arif R. Haryono, DMI Secretary General Imam Addaruqutni, and several other ranks.
At this meeting, Dompet Dhuafa sought to strengthen the collaboration of mosque empowerment and prosperity between DMI and KMP. Among his efforts was to get advice and direct direction from the Chairman of DMI, Mr. H. Jusuf Kalla. In addition, KMP and DMI align their commitment to make mosques in Indonesia prosperous and prospered.
According to Bambang, this meeting is also a symbol of the acceptance of the KMP program into the big family of the Indonesian Mosque Council. KMP with the efforts that Dompet Dhuafa makes, is to optimize the existence of DMI by taking one issue, namely empowerment. Thus, these mosques can be classified by issue. The goal is to make the mosque prosperous and prosper its worshippers, as Mr. JK told KMP.
“Today, KMP visited (and) visited to meet with the Chairman of the Indonesian Mosque Council, (namely) our teacher, Mr. H. Jusuf Kalla and has been well received and received many admonitions and advice that are very important for the development of our proselytizing movement based on optimizing mosques in the community,” he said.
Responding to this visit, Jusuf Kalla welcomed and warmly welcomed the presence of the KMP program. As DMI’s vision is to prosper and prosper mosques. He also advised that mosques are not just places of worship. But mosques must jointly become a place for people to improve economic capabilities, education, and intelligence for worshippers.
“I’m sure KMP is also trying and has a program in that direction. Of course, we will work together on how the people are not just mosques where we worship but how we all strive to improve the dignity of life, how to glorify worshippers. So that people will become more muzakki than mustahik,” he said.
Also Read: Peran Masjid Entaskan Kemiskinan, Dompet Dhuafa Gelar KMP Regional Riau
Andi Juliandi added that KMP’s vision and mission to become a poverty-alleviating mosque would focus on empowering mosques. This is so mosques can be more independent in providing benefits for the people.
“Alhamdulillah, KMP and DMI were able to discuss and were well received. Together with DMI, KMP will continue to collaborate at the center and in districts and cities. Hopefully, this cooperation will be a good thing that will be of greater benefit,” he said.
Imam Alfaruq immediately explained the strategy of mosques in Indonesia to become empowered, even empowering mosques. The mosque administrators must carry out at least five pillars of the empowerment mosque, namely Baitullah, Baitul Maal, Baitut Tarbiyah, Baitud Dakwah, and Baitul Muammalah.
In the future, Dompet Dhuafa will further strengthen its efforts in broadcasting job roles in combining the potential that exists in mosques in Indonesia. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)