KMP Presents in Jogja to Maximize Mosque Potential and Poverty Alleviation Solutions

kmp yogya

YOGYAKARTA — Attended by more than 52 participants from mosque leaders throughout Yogyakarta, Dompet Dhuafa held a forum for the Kongres Masjid Pemberdaya (KMP) or Empowering Mosque Congress on Saturday (01/10/2022). Through MPZ (Mitra Pengelola Zakat or Zakat Managing Partner), Dompet Dhuafa initiated KMP for poverty alleviation in Indonesia. Collaborating with DMI, KMP focuses on empowering mosques. Together, they empower the potential of the Mosque to alleviate poverty and expand the benefits for people.

Yes, there are few mosques that provide Qur’an education services for children and adult worshippers and fewer mosques that can provide space for young people to feel meaningful and useful in front of the community and worshippers. This is undeniable because, in general, the administrators and managers of the Mosque work to serve and prosper the Mosque voluntarily and less professionally, especially with the part-time work system.

It is very different if the administrators and prosperity councils of the Mosque work professionally and full-time in paying attention to and prospering the Mosque. Both in terms of proselytizing, social, economic, health, and education needs, mosques can play a role in serving worshippers who need help and solutions to all their problems.

KMP comes by maximizing and focusing on the 5 (five) pillars of the mosque function. These focuses include the function of baitullah, baitullmaal, baitul dakwah, baitul tarbiyah, and baitul muamalah. Hopefully, the Mosque is not only a place of worship but can become an institution that holds the people’s mandate, especially ZISWAF (Zakat, Infaq, Alms, and Waqf).

“Not only the state, had we made mosques as a solution for the people. We hope that, after this, there will be benefits brought by the takmirs to advance their Mosques according to the 5 pillars of the Mosque mentioned,” said Andi Juliandi as Chairman of the KMP National Presidium.

This KPM was attended by leaders of the Empowered Mosque from various regions in Indonesia. These figures include Ustadz Adang from Darussalam Mosque, Ustadz Jazir from Jogokariyan Mosque, Pak Kusnadi Ikhwani from Al Fallah Mosque, Sragen, Ustadz Nanang from Real Masjid, and MRBJ.

“Don’t just make the Mosque a pit stop only for worship. However, make it a solution to solve the problems. The community have economic difficulties, the Mosque can be a facility to alleviate the problem. The pilgrims who have difficulty paying their children’s school fees, then the Mosque can help that problem, and so on,” explained Ustadz Jazir at the Syuro Council of the Jogokariyan Mosque, Yogyakarta. (Dompet Dhuafa /MPZ/Isam)