PALEMBANG, SOUTH SUMATRA — Dompet Dhuafa’s commitment to improving the duafa’s welfare continues to be realized through various programs, one of which is the Mustahik or Lamusta Service Program. This program aims to maintain and improve the dignity and dignity of mustahik. This time, Lamusta greeted two students of SMKN 1 Palembang.
Dompet Dhuafa’s concern for education is very large. For this reason, Dompet Dhuafa provided Lamusta assistance to two talented students who are also orphans, namely Rista Julita Sari and M Septra. Both are known to have arrears of committee money and tuition fees at their school.
Rista Julita Sari is the daughter of Mrs. Jasmawati, while M Septra is the son of Mrs. Mardiana. The economic conditions faced by these two families demand extra struggle. Because, both of them are single mothers, they have to work hard to provide proper education to their children.

Therefore, Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra financially supported Risa and Septra to pay the outstanding committee money and tuition fees. This assistance is expected to ease the burden on their two mothers and ensure that Rista and Septra can continue to pursue their dreams through education.
Jasmawati also expressed her gratitude to the South Sumatra Dompet Dhuafa Team on this occasion.
“I am very grateful to the South Sumatra Dompet Dhuafa Team, who have been willing to help pay our children’s committee money that has been in arrears since the beginning of entering school. This assistance means a lot to us,” she said.
Also read: Melalui Program Lamusta, Dompet Dhuafa Sumatera Selatan Bantu Perekonomian Keluarga Muallaf
In addition, Jasmawati also expressed her hope for her daughter so that Rista could finish school successfully.
“Rista is very excited to go to school, I hope my daughter can finish school until the end,” said Jasmawati.

Sri, the Chairman of the SMKN 1 Palembang Committee, also expressed her appreciation to Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra for Lamusta’s assistance to her two students.
“We are very open to Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra who has good intentions to help our students pay off their committee and tuition fees,” said Sri.
This support helps their education and strengthens the spirit of kindness and sharing. Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra remains committed to supporting the education and welfare of people in need. (Dompet Dhuafa/South Sumatra)