LPM Distributes 700 Nutritious Food Packages on National Nutrition Day

SOUTH TANGERANG — National Nutrition Day (HGN) which is celebrated every January 25 is expected to have an impact on increasing awareness of the importance of nutrition for children’s growth and development properly. To support this, LPM Dompet Dhuafa through the Mobile Kitchen Program (Darling) distributed 700 portions of nutrition in the form of nutrition packages and ready-to-eat meals to vulnerable groups in five Botabek areas, such as; Bogor, Ciputat, Kronjo, Teluknaga, and Bekasi. This activity took place for five days, from January 23-27, 2023.

Priyanto as the Darling Program Coordinator in his statement said, the activity which was carried out for five days from January 23 to 27 aims to provide an understanding of the importance of nutritious food and as an effort to prevent stunting in the community.

Socialization of healthy and nutritious food to Pisangan residents.

“Because every parent wants to have healthy children with perfect growth and development, in this series of National Nutrition Day commemorations, we strive to increase public understanding and awareness of the importance of fulfilling nutrition in the community’s food needs, especially for children,” she added.

Read also: National Nutrition Day: LKC Invites People to Fulfill Animal-based Protein

In addition, on Wednesday (25/1/2023), Darling held a socialization and nutritional examination for toddlers and pregnant women at Posyandu Kenangan together with Puskesmas and Pisangan Village, East Ciputat. Husnaini as the Head of Pisangan Community Health Center said that this activity consisted of nutritional checks for children, dental checks, pregnant women as well as providing milk and eggs.
“We would like to thank the Dompet Dhuafa Darling team for their support and concern for the community here, hopefully this can make residents more committed so that as parents they can fulfill balanced nutritional needs for their children,” he said.

Ita happily received the nutritious food package.

Ita, salah satu warga Pisangan yang datang bersama kedua anaknya merasa senang dengan kegiatan ini. “Alhamdulillah acara hari ini seru, karena kita bisa memantau perkembangan anak-anak di sini. Tadi anak-anak dicek berat badan dan tinggi badannya, diperiksa giginya, dan makan telur serta minum susu bersama. Semoga kedepannya kita bisa lebih menjaga kesehatan dan mengatur pola makan, sehingga bisa mencegah stunting pada anak,” ujarnya. (Dompet Dhuafa/LPM/Rey)