More than 200 Elderlies in Yogyakarta Get Free Health Services with Dompet Dhuafa and Teras Dakwah

YOGYAKARTA — More than 200 older people in Dhuafa received free health services from Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta and the community of preaching, Teras Dakwah. Through the Healthy Service Action (ALS) program in the Sorosutan Village area, Umbulharjo, on Friday (28/10/2022), health services in the form of tension checks, cholesterol, blood sugar, uric acid, and also consultations with doctors for free.

It begins with measuring weight, tension, and blood checks, and consulting with the doctor on duty. The activity went smoothly and was enthusiastically followed by the beneficiaries there. They are also provided with free necessities after completing the health check service.

Health services for the elderly are routinely carried out every 3 (three) months. Synergy with Teras Dakwah, Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta, synergizes to expand benefits through this health service program for the elderly. Health services are divided into 4 (four) clusters in one month. Approximately 70 older people will receive free health services every week.

Today is the third week of service this month. The first service was carried out on October 14, 2022. In the second week, precisely on October 21, 2022, there was an additional service from Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta with Nutrition support in the form of canned corned beef packaged food which was distributed along with basic food packages.

“This activity is not only in the form of health services but also provides support in the form of necessities for the elderly who carry out this free health check. Necessities are distributed when the event is over and can be taken home,” said Tama, the Person in Charge of ALS at the time.

One of the beneficiaries of Jalan Nitikan residents, Mr. Gino, expressed his gratitude to Dompet Dhuafa and Teras Dakwah after receiving the health service. “Honestly, I’ve never checked like this, ‘there’s no charge. Alhamdulillah, because there is this free service, I have come to know that my blood sugar condition is high, so I can be more introspective,” said Mr. Gino.

In this series of health service activities, there is also tausiyah from Ustadzah Subi, one of the Founders of Teras Dakwah. He also educates the elderly on how important it is to know the condition of the body to control health. If something is wrong with the body, it can immediately provide prevention before it is severe.

“Hopefully, the existence of this health service can be used as much as possible, please consult with the doctor on guard. Take advantage of this service to prevent illnesses that can later be detected earlier,” said Ustadzah Subi, in the middle of the activity to the beneficiaries. (Dompet Dhuafa / Yogyakarta)