MQI’s presence in the palm of your hand encourages deaf friends to learn the Qur’an

JAKARTA — ‘I am very happy that my wish has come true with the existence of this Mushaf Al-Qur’an Isyarat. I really want to learn to read the Qur’an and know its contents for the afterlife,’ said Titin (43), happy to get the MQI.

As a book of guidance for all life activities, the Qur’an should be accessible to all people with all kinds of conditions. This holy book from Allah Swt is certainly capable of being learnt and practised in many easy ways. This has been proven by the presence of a method of reading the Qur’an, especially for people who experience hearing problems, namely with the existence of Mushaf Al-Quran Isyarat (MQI).

In Ramadan 1445 H, in South Jakarta, Dompet Dhuafa and ESQ Kemanusiaan agreed to collaborate on a project titled ‘Helping Deaf Friends to Recite the Quran’. Two months later, they distributed 548 MQIs to several locations. Among them were in Jakarta, Majalengka, and West Nusa Tenggara.

Read also: Commitment with ESQ Humanity to Realize Thousands of Signed Al-Qur’an Mushaf for Deaf Friends

Not only distributing the Mushaf, Dompet Dhuafa and ESQ Kemanusiaan are also responsible for the proper use of the Mushaf. In this case, Dompet Dhuafa and ESQ Kemanusiaan ensure that in each group there is a teacher who can teach it. Therefore, hundreds of Mushaf were given to deaf communities. In Jakarta, at the Umar bin Al Khattab Jatinegara Mosque, 100 MQIs were given through Gerkatin DKI Jakarta and Majelis Ta’lim Tuli Indonesia (MTTI), Friday (7/6/2024).

Distribution of MQI to deaf mothers who are members of Gerkatin DKI Jakarta and Majelis Talim Tuli Indonesia (MTTI) in East Jakarta.
Symbolisation of MQI distribution to deaf men who are members of Gerkatin DKI Jakarta and Majelis Talim Tuli Indonesia (MTTI) in East Jakarta.

Nur Hafifah, Dompet Dhuafa’s Digital Fundraising Officer, told the deaf friends that the sign Qur’an copies were donated by the donors. They really want deaf friends to be able to read the Qur’an. Because, it is a guide to life for everyone, especially as a Muslim. The speech by the Dompet Dhuafa representative was translated into sign language by an online motorbike taxi driver who volunteered to accompany the deaf friends, Fika Chou.

Representing the deaf friends, MTTI Chairperson Ninik (56) said, these deaf friends really need MQI. According to her, the availability of MQI is still lacking in their midst. In the past, it was very difficult for deaf friends to learn the Qur’an. But now, it’s getting easier with the existence of MQI. He also gave appreciation to Dompet Dhuafa and ESQ Kemanusiaan who have been very concerned about deaf friends to be able to learn to read the Qur’an.

Ninik is also a teacher for deaf friends to read the Koran at recitals and mosques. Starting from children to adults. One of them is in Sentra Mulia Bambu Apus. On Saturdays, she teaches at Al Ihsan Mosque in Rancho, South Jakarta. Even on Sundays, she teaches a woman who works, so she can only be there on Sundays.

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Nur Hafifah (left) accompanied by Fika (right) conveyed the hopes and mandates of the donors.
Ninik introduced the signs in MQI to her deaf friends.
The deaf friends listened to Ninik’s introduction to the signs in MQI.

Since he was in junior high school, he has learnt to recite the Qur’an but because there is no Signed Qur’an, it is very difficult to learn. Therefore, now he is determined to make it easier for deaf friends to learn to read the Qur’an. He also did not hesitate to meet the heads of the deaf friends community to invite discussions and direct his friends to learn the Qur’an.

She used to have only 15 students, but now she has 45. Ibu Ninik is also one of the people who helped to formulate the Mushaf Al-Qur’an Isyarat.

On the same occasion, Titin from Gerkatin DKI Jakarta was also happy to get the MQI. Her husband is also a deaf friend, but at that time he was working. Therefore, her husband did not come. Even though both of them had work that day, Titin took the time to attend. Usually, from Monday to Friday, Titin works sewing, especially sequins, in a boutique. Saturday and Sunday are her days to learn the Qur’an.

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Titin learnt MQI from Ninik.
Titin learnt MQI from Ninik.

Incidentally, he has just started to learn the Qur’an. Previously, because he was too busy working, so he could not take the time. However, now he can manage his time, plus there is a Sign Qur’an Mushaf facility and a qualified teacher. His enthusiasm is even more perfect.

He then put his hope that more deaf friends would be interested in learning the Qur’an, as well as more teachers who could teach it. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photo: Riza Muthohar
Editor: Dhika Prabowo