Islam emphasizes the order of Zakat for its people. Therefore, we need to understand the differences between each Zakat, especially how to calculate Zakat Fitrah and Zakat Maal.
Islam emphasizes the order of Zakat for its people. The command to perform Zakat is even recorded in the Al-Quran 32 times. In Islam, the main types of Zakat are divided into two kinds: zakat fitrah and zakat mal. Both are types of Zakat that must be practiced by Muslims who are capable and healthy physically and spiritually. Each type of Zakat also has provisions for calculating zakat, which is essential to note. For more details, see the following description.
How to Calculate Zakat Fitrah
Zakat fitrah is a type of zakat paid by Muslims during Ramadan to Eid al-Fitr. This Zakat is a type of Zakat that must be paid by those who can afford it. This form of zakat fitrah generally consists of necessities, such as rice and staple foods that people in the area commonly eat. In addition, zakat fitrah can also be paid in the form of money, then distributed as staple goods. Calculating zakat according to Islamic sharia regulations is based on the value of the staple food that will be distributed.
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For example, in Indonesia, the staple food consumed is rice. Therefore, the perpetrators of zakat fitrah must pay Zakat in rice weighing 2.5 kilograms or 3.5 kilograms. Meanwhile, for the payment of zakat fitrah in the form of money, you can pay money with a nominal equivalent to the price of rice weighing at least 2.5 kilograms.
There is no definite benchmark for the nominal costs spent on zakat fitrah. Because, of course, each region has a different zakat value. For example, for greater DKI Jakarta and its surroundings, it has been determined that the value of zakat fitrah in the form of money is set at IDR 45,000 per person.
How to Calculate Zakat Maal
The second type of zakat is zakat maal. Zakat maal, or wealth zakat, must be paid when the property has reached the nisab, with the ownership of the property getting one year or haul. Once these two conditions are met, the Donor can issue zakat maal. This type of zakat maal is also very diverse. The types of Zakat included in the zakat maal include:
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- Zakat of gold and silver
- Livestock zakat
- Agricultural Zakat
- Zakat trade (buying and selling), and
- Professional Zakat.
For the calculation of zakat maal, there is a simple formula. That is:
2.5% x the amount of assets stored up to one year
From the calculation above, Donors must pay zakat maal of 5 grams, or approximately the equivalent of IDR 4,690,495 if using a nominal amount of money. If donors want a more specific and accurate calculation, they can use the online zakat calculator feature.
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Thus a review of how to calculate zakat is critical to know. Hopefully, reviewing the formula above can help donors pay Zakat on time. Donors who have busy schedules can make zakat payments through the Zakat Online service from Dompet Dhuafa. With this feature, it will be easier for you to make transactions anywhere and anytime.