Mustajab Orphan Prayer and Benefits of Caring for Orphans

Many assume that orphans, children left behind by their fathers, are wayward and naughty. Maybe it is true that the orphans around us look wayward and naughty. Even so, we also need to care about them and if they help according to our ability. Also, we need to keep them from falling prey to negativity. As for those who think that the prayer of orphans mustajab. Really?

Explanation of Prayer for Mustajab Orphans or Not

Actually, there is no specific argument regarding the necessity of orphan prayer. However, Allah Almighty. said in Surah Ad-Dhuha verse 9 which has the following meaning:

“As for the orphan, don’t you rebuke him.” (Ad-Dhuha:9)

Allah says that we should not rebuke and be rude to orphans. The Prophet (peace be upon him) also commanded us to love orphans. In one hadith, the Prophet said, 

“I and the one who takes care of (bears) the orphan (his position) in heaven like this.” He gestured with (both fingers i.e.) index and middle fingers and slightly stretched them apart.” (HR. Imam Al-Bukhari).

The Prophet (peace be upon him) hinted that those who bear orphans will be high in rank and will quickly enter paradise later. So great are the blessings of the hereafter that will be obtained for those who care for and even care for orphans. Although no evidence states the prayer of orphans mustajab, Allah SWT promises to hasten the fulfilment of the prayers of those who care for orphans.

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The Virtue of Caring for Orphans 

Caring for and caring for orphans is an act that Allah SWT. very loves and also the Prophet SAW. As for the words of the Prophet enshrined in a hadith: 

“There was someone who came to the Prophet SAW. and complained of his hard-heartedness. The Prophet asked, “Would you like it when your heart became soft and your needs were met? Have mercy on the orphan, wipe his face, and feed from your food, and your heart will be softened and your needs will be met.” (HR. Ath-Thabrani).

So glorified are orphans in Islam. Those who love and love him will receive rewards from Allah by meeting His servants’ needs. Also, the prayers of people who care for orphans are answered faster. Those who care for orphans will be facilitated by Allah SWT. and lifted his burdens. Another benefit is to avoid torture in the afterlife. Prayers offered by orphans to those who care for orphans will help their caregivers go to heaven. Therefore, many benefits can be obtained from caring for and caring for orphans.

Friends who want to support orphans through donations or alms can go directly to Dompet Dhuafa to set aside some of their property. Come on, donate now (donasi sekarang)!