SUKABUMI, WEST JAVA — Historically, mosques have been the centre of the Muslim dawah movement. It was from the mosque that Islamic civilization was built to anchor the vision of spreading Islam rahmatan lil ‘alamin. Therefore, the role of mosques for Muslims is not only as a place of worship but also as a means of spreading Islamic syiar and educational facilities. Thus, the mosque can become one of the centres of community empowerment.
After being awaited for so many full moons, the first Masjid Pesantren Tahfidz Green Lido (PTGL) is finally active as a place of worship and education as of Tuesday (28/03/2023). PTGL Mosque is a mosque in the Green Lido Islamic Boarding School, Sukabumi. The Islamic Boarding Schools became the first productive waqf-based Islamic Boarding Schools built by Dompet Dhuafa.
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By utilizing 2 (two) hectares of green land in the Lido area, Sukabumi, Dompet Dhuafa seeks to build and give birth to a generation of Muslim hafidz Al-Quran, accompanied by leadership competence and science and technology.
In line with the opening of the PTGL mosque, the Dompet Dhuafa Waqf Development division through the Dompet Dhuafa Human Development Institute (LPI) held a Qur’an Camp activity. Coinciding with 6 Ramadan 1444 H, Tuesday (28/03/2023), Ekselensia Tahfizh School (eTahfizh) students began the activity officially opened by the Head of eTahfizh, Ustaz July Siswanto, accompanied by other teachers.
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“This Qur’an Camp activity hopefully can be a good start for all PTGL mosque programs, and children can follow the activity smoothly until the end with good results,” said Syafi’e el-Bantani as Senior Officer of Waqf Development Dompet Dhuafa.
The Qur’an Camp at PTGL will also be opened to the public with priority for children in the surrounding community on April 7-9, 2023. This activity also marked the activation of PTGL as a model of a superior, independent, and modern Islamic boarding school based on productive endowments. PTGL will officially operate as an educational unit in the new academic year 2023/2024. A first step in carving out the future of Islamic civilization. (Dompet Dhuafa/Masjid PTGL/Awalia R)