YOGYAKARTA – Dompet Dhuafa has once again received the Second Best Philanthropy Award in the SDGs Action Award 2023, held at the Royal Ambarrukmo Ballroom in Yogyakarta, on Monday (6/11/2023). This silver award was presented directly by the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa, to Bambang Suherman, the Director of Programs at Dompet Dhuafa.
This award serves as a reminder that actions from all parties are crucial for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. It also aligns with the Vision of Golden Indonesia 2045. Dompet Dhuafa has been honored with this annual award twice in its two editions.

Bambang believes that the silver-level achievement is very appropriate, providing a significant opportunity for other institutions to strive to do better than Dompet Dhuafa. This perspective was echoed by one of the judges. The award reinforces Dompet Dhuafa’s position as a proven and validated manager of economic empowerment programs through the SDGs mechanism.
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“In this award, the program submitted by Dompet Dhuafa was in the agricultural sector, namely the Village Farming program. This proves that the agricultural program can meet stakeholders’ expectations by transforming those with low income into earning a decent income and those with minimal skills into having better skills,” he explained.

In addition, Dompet Dhuafa has undertaken many activities in line with the SDGs’ objectives. The principle of ‘No One Left Behind’ is a fundamental foundation for Dompet Dhuafa. This must be understood by both donors (muzaki) and benefit rdcipients (mustahiq). The SDGs Annual Conference (SAC) 2023 focused on the themes of water, energy, and agriculture, aligning with Dompet Dhuafa’s efforts in food security for the Indonesian community.
“This is an appreciation for the farmers, especially the benefit recipients of the Village Farming Program. Congratulations! This award, this trophy, is for those who tirelessly work in the Village Farming program to bring more benefits,” added Andriansyah, the Branch Manager of Dompet Dhuafa West Java, who accompanied Bambang.
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Suharso Monoarfa stated that Indonesia’s SDGs indicators have now reached 62% of the total evaluable targets, making Indonesia one of the most progressive countries in achieving SDGs among middle to high-income nations. As the coordinating executor of Indonesia’s SDGs, Bappenas greatly values the joint efforts of both government and non-government organizations (NGOs) in achieving the SDGs. The agency continues to document, disseminate, and promote good practices for the Indonesian community, and even globally.
“The current use of smart and precision farming equipment is expected to help increase productivity in modern agriculture,” said the Head of Bappenas.

According to Soharso, the largest percentage of indicators requiring special attention falls under the Social Development Pillar. This award showcases the best performance and examples from stakeholders through Indonesia’s SDGs. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)