JAKARTA — The biggest kindness festival in Indonesia, Indonesia Giving Fest – Zakat Expo 2022 will take place on Friday – Saturday (23-24/12/2022) at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta. On the first day after the opening ceremony, Dompet Dhuafa as the Zakat Management Organization or Organisasi Pengelola Zakat (OPZ) Forum Zakat (FOZ) had the opportunity to explain its performance in managing zakat funds.
This session was titled Public Expose 2022 with the theme Islamic Philanthropy: Sustainable Development Goals which Bambang Suherman presented as Director of Communication and Strategic Alliance of Dompet Dhuafa.
Bambang said until 2022, what Dompet Dhuafa is doing is to continue to tidy up, strengthen, and develop intervention methods for mustahiks. Whether it’s in the service room, development, or empowerment. Dompet Dhuafa has set its vision on something relatively large enough.
“It is important that we make this big enough for us to achieve. So that what we have can be used as hard as possible to continue to grow capabilities and capacities. So Dompet Dhuafa set its vision as something relatively large enough to be pursued in the available time span,” he explained.
Dompet Dhuafa provides achievement indicators in the form of good and strong output in managing zakat activities in service rooms. The indicators are 3. The first is that the volume of beneficiaries must be quite large throughout Indonesia. Secondly, the accuracy of the beneficiaries must be understood and ascertained as appropriate. The third is that the impact felt by the beneficiaries can continue.
So the idea of zakat institutions to manage the program must reach the stage of the program continuing and not only at one execution. This is the idea that Dompet Dhuafa continues to develop to this day.
In March 2022, the percentage of poor people in Indonesia was 26.16 million people (9.54%), a decrease of 0.34 million people (0.17 %) from September 2021 and a decrease of 1.38 million people (0.60 percent) to March 2021.
Of the 26.16 million people, Dompet Dhuafa has reached as many as 11% or as many as 2.98 million. There are still 89% of the poor who have yet to be able to reach Dompet Dhuafa.
Also Read: Dompet Dhuafa Hadir Terima Penghargaan pada IGF Zakat Expo 2022
During 2022, Dompet Dhuafa has managed to raise funds of IDR 394.31 billion, with details of 50% being zakat collection, 15% sacrifice, 9% infak, 13% bonded infak, 7% waqf, 4% CSR, and 2% social humanity.
Meanwhile, Dompet Dhuafa has distributed IDR 377.14 billion in education, health, social, economic, humanitarian, advocacy, proselytizing and cultural programs. Thus, the distribution rate carried out by Dompet Dhuafa in 2022 is 95.65%. According to the Allocation to Collection Ratio, Zakat Core Principle, Dompet Dhuafa’s distribution performance is very effective.
Also Read: https://www.dompetdhuafa.org/layanan-program-dompet-dhuafa-meriahkan-ajang-igf-2022/
For the scale of distribution of beneficiaries in 2022, Dompet Dhuafa has embraced 2,986,204 people, spread across 35 provinces in Indonesia and 13 countries in the world. This number includes 4 (four) pillars of the Dompet Dhuafa program, namely in the economic sector as many as 16,596 beneficiaries, the social sector as many as 2,495,507 people, the health sector as many as 193,690 people, the da’wah and cultural fields as many as 63,699 people, and the education sector as many as 216,712 people.
That way, since its establishment in 1993 until now 2022, 31,229,192 people are beneficiaries of Dompet Dhuafa programs.
In 2022, Dompet Dhuafa also made many contributions to the agreement on the global action plan, SDGs, in many fields. On Thursday (1/12/2022), Dompet Dhuafa was awarded the Second Best Winner in the Indonesian Philanthropy Category SDG’s Action Award 2022.
In addition to the SDG’s Action Award, throughout 2022, Dompet Dhuafa has bagged 22 other awards in various categories. Finally, Dompet Dhuafa received the Zakat Awards 2022 in the Best Economic Program category with its program, namely “Desa Tani: Empowered in Your Own Land”.
Also Raed: Dompet Dhuafa Raih Penghargaan Terbaik 2 Kategori Filantropi di SDGs Action Award 2022
According to Bambang, the series of performance achievements of this zakat institution needs to be conveyed by the public with the hope that the zakat movement in Indonesia has proven as empower the poor. Bambang also hopes that zakat institutions throughout Indonesia will be more advanced in carrying out programs, activities, managing institutions responsibly and providing transparent reports to the wider community.
“Zakat institutions must be able to provide access for the public to know more about what we are doing. This is a form of our accountability to the public and our accountability to Allah Almighty. Representing all zakat institutions, what Dompet Dhuafa presents today is a spirit for us to continue fighting. Jaya continues to be a zakat institution in Indonesia,” he said. (Dompet Dhuafa / Muthohar)