PALEMBANG, SOUTH SUMATERA — To further optimize the management of zakat funds in realizing the memorization of the Qur’an in the E-Tahfizh School program of Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra (South Sumatra), monitoring and evaluation was carried out which was led directly by Juli Siswanto as manager of the E-Tahfizh School Dompet Dhuafa, recently, on Tuesday (1/11/2022).
The program monitoring and evaluation team was welcomed by Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra, led by Penta Agustina as Program Manager of Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra. In her remarks, Penta hoped that the implementation of the South Sumatra Dompet Dhuafa E-Tahfizh School program would continue to be guarded by the central E-Tahfizh team.

“Hopefully the students will be more enthusiastic about becoming hafizh Qur’an, so that the hafizh Qur’an will become the leaders of civilization,” he said.
Juli Siswanto, in his presentation, conveyed the purpose of the team’s presence. “Our arrival in this monev brings an agenda for structuring and optimizing partnerships between central and regional E-Tahfizh so that this partnership is more directed and the management of the E-Tahfizh program is more optimal,” he explained.
During the meeting, Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra as the manager of the South Sumatra E-Tahfizh program also presented reports, evaluations, & strategic plans for implementing the South Sumatra E-Tahfizh program in 2023.

After the meeting, the program monitoring and evaluation team visited the santri dormitory on Jalan Bintan, Palembang City. The team met with Ustaz Lamudin, the muhafizh of the South Sumatra E-Tahfizh program.
“Currently there are two students who focus on the tahfizh program. In addition, there are around 40 students who are managed through the daily recitation program,” explained Ustaz Lamudin, explaining the program that he has been running.
He also shared that the students of E-Tahfizh South Sumatra not only learn the Qur’an but are involved in community activities. “In addition to memorizing, the students are equipped with khitobah skills and, Alhamdulillah, the students are accustomed to being Friday preachers in the mosques around the dormitory,” he explained.
After the meeting, the program monitoring and evaluation team submitted several recommendations to the managers and muhafizh.
Monitoring and evaluation is an E-Tahfizh semester agenda as one of the program evaluation mechanisms and a form of implementation of one of Dompet Dhuafa’s values, namely continuous improvement. (Dompet Dhuafa / Sumsel)