POP Facilitator Briefing of Indonesian Teacher School in Yogyakarta

YOGYAKARTA – Sekolah Guru Indonesia (SGI) Dompet Dhuafa held a Briefing for Facilitators of the Mobilizing Organization Program (POP) at H-Boutique Hotel, Yogyakarta, on Saturday (11/02/2023). The POP Facilitator debriefing was attended by 30 Great Teachers from various regions throughout Indonesia.

Abdul Khalim, as the Management of the Lembaga Pengembangan Insani (LPI) Dompet Dhuafa said, the facilitator’s task is essential in this activity. That is to help teachers and principals to be able to reflect on the activities that have been carried out and project the activities to be carried out. So, teachers and principals know what needs improvement for future learning.

“Our job is to help teachers and principals reflect on the activities that have been done and project the activities that will be carried out so that teachers and principals know what needs to be improved for the improvement of learning,” he said.

Also Read: Dompet Dhuafa Wisuda 30 Guru SGI Angkatan 46, Siap Lanjutkan Kontribusi di Sultra

POP is a program created by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) to encourage the presence of Driving Schools that involve organizational participation. The main focus is on improving the quality of teachers, principals and education personnel to improve student learning outcomes.

The POP SGI Dompet Dhuafa activity will occur from January to June 2023. Some activities are the Principal’s Forum, Teacher Leader Workshop, Principal FGD, Mentoring, Lesson Study, and School Visits.

In Yogyakarta, as many as 30 facilitators will be given briefings after passing through several stages of selection, including administration, interviews, and written tests. Until Wednesday (15/2/2023), the facilitators will participate in activities to maximize their competence.

“POP SGI 2023 is the third year that Indonesian Teacher Schools have accompanied the improvement of education quality through teacher and principal training. We hope that in the last year of activities, we can optimize it well so that the benefits feel the impact of the program,” concluded Asep, Chairman of the Indonesian Teacher School. (Dompet Dhuafa//LPI/AR)