Pringsewu Regent Appreciates Dompet Dhuafa Lampung’s Stunting Prevention Program

LAMPUNG — The Acting Regent (Pj) of Pringsewu, Adi Erlansyah, received an audience from Dompet Dhuafa Lampung on Thursday (14/12/2023) at the Pringsewu Regent’s Office. This audience aimed to continue the collaboration on stunting prevention and management programs in Pringsewu.

Also present at the event were representatives from the Indonesian Breastfeeding Mothers Association (AIMI) Lampung Area, the Pringsewu District Health Office, the Pringsewu District Community Empowerment Office, the Pringsewu District Regional Development Planning Agency, and the Pringsewu District Office for Women’s Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control, and Family Planning.

Adi Erlansyah expressed his commitment and appreciation for the support in preventing and handling stunting in Pringsewu District provided by Dompet Dhuafa Lampung, AIMI Lampung, and the Pringsewu District Government. He also stated that the Pringsewu District Government is fully prepared to support this collaborative goodwill activity.

“We, the government, are committed and focused on addressing the issue of stunting. We are also thankful for the collaboration that has taken place so far. This issue requires support from various parties, not just the local government alone. Therefore, synergy with community groups is necessary,” he said.

Baca Juga:

In early 2023, a collaborative program between the Pringsewu District Government, AIMI Lampung, and Dompet Dhuafa Lampung, named the Nutrition Awareness Movement (Genzi), was launched. In 2024, the Nutrition Awareness Movement (Genzi) program will be organized again in Pringsewu District.

“God willing, in 2024, the Nutrition Awareness Movement (Genzi) program will be held again in Pringsewu District. However, based on evaluation, we will focus more on infants suffering from wasting under the age of 2 years. This will make our interventions more effective,” said Upi Fitriyanti, Chairperson of AIMI Lampung Area.

Wasting is a condition where a child’s weight decreases over time, making their total weight significantly below the standard. Besides the high risk of death, children with untreated wasting are three times more likely to become stunted.

Baca Juga:

Yogi Achmad Fajar, the head of Dompet Dhuafa Lampung, expressed appreciation and thanks for the support and collaboration of the Pringsewu District Government so far.

“We are grateful for the collaboration with the Pringsewu District Government. Besides the Nutrition Awareness Movement (Genzi) program, we also had a collaboration on a storytelling program for children with a national storyteller,” he said.

Furthermore, Yogi explained that the Nutrition Awareness Movement program has become an inspiration for the community in Pringsewu. The program received positive responses from the public. According to information from the Health Office, there are currently about 10 villages inspired to replicate similar programs in their villages.