Profile of Islamic Elementary Private School (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta /MIS) Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya to be Renovated by Dompet Dhuafa and GIIAS

potret MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya

TANGERANG — About two hours away by car from South Jakarta was taken by the Dompet Dhuafa Team to reach a private school on Jl KH Samaun Desa Gelam Jaya, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang, Banten. Although located on the outskirts of metropolitan urban, this school looks underestimated. Behind the luxurious city buildings, there are broken buildings.

The community care school was built in 1991 with the self-own fund of residents on an area of 2,200 square meters and then pinned the name Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta (MIS) Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya in the hope of being able to create a generation of Gelam Jaya who will become winners and enlighten. Now, in the weathered school, there are about 400 students who are looking for identity. At the same time, only eight classrooms are available; five are suitable for use, and three others are not.

Gandeng Dompet Dhuafa, GIIAS Educare Bangun Ulang MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya
Seen from the front condition of the MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya building.
potret MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya
The condition of the inside of one of MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya classrooms with a ceiling that leaks when it rains.

If the number of feasible students and classrooms are compared, then teaching and learning activities in this school are certainly not qualified. This school divides its students into 17 study groups if we could break down in more detail. So, the study time is divided into two times: as many as nine groups enter school in the morning, while the other 8 enter the afternoon session.

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Other representative facilities and infrastructure are unavailable, such as library rooms, UKS, etc. More specifically, the three rooms no longer fit and have cracked floors that will risk students’ feet if they are not careful. In addition, the walls of the building have been cracked, and the top has leaked a lot. And then other learning facilities such as study tables and chairs, blackboards, storage cabinets, and shoe racks are also in similar conditions.

potret MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya
A student during a learning activity at MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya.
potret MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya
The condition of one of the MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya study chairs that should not be suitable for use.

Meeting on Saturday (15/7/2023) with Dompet Dhuafa and GIIAS, Fika Robiatul Ifqiyah as the Principal of MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya, said that the children’s enthusiasm for learning was very high. But the obstacle they often face is that they must work to earn money to help their families.

At the same time, Tati Nurhayati, English Teacher of MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya, added, “We teachers, whatever the school conditions, always provide the best for the children. But it is undeniable. Seeing this school building many times, I always think, when can this building be as decent as a school building in general? Looking at the chairs, walls, roofs, floors. They are not properly used.”

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potret MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya
Some classrooms of MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya do not have book storage cabinets, so books are only placed on wall shelves.
potret MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya
The condition of one of the MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya study chairs that should not be suitable for use.

The sadder thing is when the weather is raining heavily with wind, while children must keep learning. The thing that comes to the minds of teachers is about the safety of children with the terrible condition of the building. In addition, there may be a roof leak, so rainwater quickly hits the textbooks.

“Therefore, bismillah, we welcome assistance from the donors who intend to renovate this school building. Hopefully, this will be an infinite charity for you ladies and gentlemen because I am sure that the benefits of this kindness will never be broken at any time, “said Tati.

potret MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya
The condition of one of MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya’s shoe racks is fragile and has been eaten by termites.

Furthermore, Dompet Dhuafa together with GIIAS and Astra Financial promised to renovate the inadequate MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya building. Among them are renovations to 2 buildings consisting of 3 study rooms and a restroom. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)