Ramadan Counts the Days, Prepare These 4 Things Before Fasting


Days change days, months change months, the holy month of Ramadan doesn’t feel like it’s just counting the days. Without exception, Muslims also always hope and pray that they can continue to be reunited with this glorious month. So, thank God that we are still allowed by Him to walk into the month of Ramadan, where the doors of heaven are wide open and Allah opens up opportunities for His people to cultivate much charity and goodness.

However, in the euphoria of welcoming the month of Ramadan, there are things that we need to prepare so that our worship in this holy month can run optimally. Check out the things that must be prepared before the holy month of Ramadan arrives.

Preparing to Welcome Ramadan

Here are four things to prepare before the holy month of Ramadan arrives:

Also Read : Inilah Sebaran Penerima Manfaat Ramadan 1443 H Dompet Dhuafa

Pay The Missing Fast

“O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous. (Fasting for) a limited number of days. So whoever among you is ill or on a journey (during them) – then an equal number of days (are to be made up). And upon those who are able (to fast, but with hardship) – a ransom (as substitute) of feeding a poor person (each day). And whoever volunteers excess – it is better for him. But to fast is best for you, if you only knew.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 183-184)

From the verse above, it can be concluded that Ramadan fasting is a mandatory worship performed by Muslims, so people who miss the Ramadan fast are obliged to pay it outside the month of Ramadan. Although it can be celebrated outside Ramadan, it does not mean we can procrastinate to do so. More importantly, if the mandatory fasting debt is paid immediately after the end of Ramadan.

Meanwhile, for the deadline for paying fasting debts, Dr Ali Jumah Muhammad of Lembaga Fatwa Mesir Egyptian Fatwa Institute stated, most scholars argue that the limit is the next month of Ramadan. Thus, there is no time provision to replace fasting, it can even be done in the run-up to Ramadan the following year. This was also done by Aisyah radhiyallahu’ anhu, who always paid the fasting debt in the month of Syakban. (HR. Muttafaq Alaih)

Also Read: 7 Cara Jadi Manfaat di 30 Hari Ramadan


Fasting in the Month of Syakban

Narrated from ‘Aisyah radhiayallahu’ anhu, he said: “I never saw the Messenger of Allah Saw complete the fast of a whole month except Ramadan; and I never saw him in a month (other than Ramadan) fasting more than his fast in the month of Syakban.” (HR. Muttafaq Alaih)

Based on the hadith above, it can be concluded that the Prophet Saw multiplied his fast in the month of Syakban, one month before Ramadan. The Prophet did this because the month of Syakban is in the middle of two glorious months, namely the month of Rajab and the month of Ramadan, so this month tends to be neglected by humans.

In addition, because the month of Syakban is also the month of the annual report of human charity to Allah Swt, it is used to increase fasting in this month so that when the annual report is made, we are in a state of fasting. This is by the following hadith of Prophet Muhammad Saw:

“Syakban is the month that humans forget between Rajab and Ramadan. Syakban is the month in which charities are reported to the Lord of hosts, so I am glad my charity is reported while I am fasting.” (HR An-Nasa’i, Abu Dawud, dan Ibnu Khuzaimah)

Also Read: 7 Manfaat Puasa Syawal: Puasa Senilai Satu Tahun Penuh



Doing repentance before Ramadan includes a form of mental preparation in welcoming the holy month. Repent can be a benchmark for a person’s seriousness in receiving the month of Ramadan. Because by repenting, he minimized obstacles that might muddy his journey during Ramadan. Not only that, even in the Quran, Allah says that those who repent will be loved and given good luck by Him.

“…Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 222)

“And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed” (QS. An Nuur: 31)

Repenting is not only on the tongue but totally, with intention in the heart and shown by deeds. However, this does not mean that repentance is only carried out during Ramadan, even outside of Ramadan, our actions need to be maintained to avoid immorality consistently.

Baca juga: Makna Puasa Ramadan Bagi Umat Islam

Wealth for Zakat Infaq Alms

Being generous with infaq and almsgiving in Ramadan is included in the deeds favored by Allah Swt. In fact, in a hadith of Bukhari & Muslim history, it is said that the reward is the same as doing compulsory worship for the one who gives in the month of Ramadan. When a person gives a little of his possessions to a person fasting, even if it is just a date or a sip of water, he will get a great reward. That way, it is not surprising that later the month of Ramadan has another name Syahrul Musawah which means the month of sharing.

Prophet Muhammad Saw also became one of the role models in terms of giving, his generous nature impressed many people, especially during the month of Ramadan. In fact, his kindness in giving until it is described as more than a gust of wind, his kindness is evenly felt by those around him. This is as narrated by Ibn Abbas radhiyallahu’ anhu: “Truly, the Messenger of Allah when he met the angel Gabriel, was more generous than the wind released.” (HR. Muttafaq Alaih)

For this reason, to be more optimal in worship and get rewards in Ramadan, we must prepare materials or treasures to share with others. Although the presence of Ramadan is still counting months, we need to prepare for it from now on.

However, this does not mean that we stop infaq and almsgiving outside Ramadan. We can also still do infaq and almsgiving because Allah Swt recommends this. See the virtues of almsgiving on the page 5 Keutamaan Sedekah Menurut Al-Quran dan Hadits.