Regent & Deputy Regent Jeneponto Inaugurate Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz Jeneponto Islamic Boarding School

Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Jeneponto meresmikan Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz

SOUTH SULAWESI – Monday, October 24, 2022, the Regent and Deputy Regent of Jeneponto, H. Drs. Iksan Iskandar and H. Paris Yasir SE inaugurated the Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School in Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi. In this momentum, the Regional Secretary of Jeneponto Regency, Muh Arifin Nur, SH MH, and the Former Secretary of Jeneponto for the previous period, Dr. dr. Syafrudin Nurdin, Head of MPZ ZL Dompet Dhuafa Dept., Ustaz Imam Alfaruq, SEI, ME, Head of Dompet Dhuafa South Sulawesi Branch, Daeng Rahmat HM, Head of Dompet Dhuafa West Java Branch, Mr. Andriansyah, and all SKP and service heads and staff were also present at this event.

Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz Jeneponto Islamic Boarding School has been operating since 2013, with minimal facilities. Before having a room for the Islamic boarding school and mosque buildings, the students lived and studied in a simple shophouse owned by one of the Jeneponto Local Government officials. So that at the beginning of the establishment of this Islamic boarding school, the students were very dependent on almsgiving and the gifts of the residents and philanthropists who passed by the Islamic boarding school.

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Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz
Regent and Deputy Regent Jeneponto inaugurated Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School


After three years of running, a glimmer of hope was present. In September 2016, Dompet Dhuafa South Sulawesi implemented the Amazing Muslimah program with the output of the Forum Halaqoh Quran Jeneponto program. The Asatidz (RH Islamic Boarding School Teachers Council) and participants of the Amazing Muslimah program who already have the quality of tartil and mujawad Quranic readings were selected and given training “Dauroh Muwajih FHQ Jeneponto” by Mudir FHQ Nasional, Ustaz Imam Alfaruq, SEI, ME who at that time also served as the Coordinator of the National Da’wah CORDOFA (Corps Dai Dompet Dhuafa) Center in Jakarta.

The participants of Dauroh Muwajih FHQ Jeneponto who have passed the selection will be confirmed as Muwajih FHQ Jeneponto, and the participants of the Amazing Muslimah Training who are already aware of the importance of understanding and mastering the correct reading of the Quran are very excited to take part in the learning of Tahsin Quran with the Jeneponto Quran Halaqah Forum.

A year passed, precisely in October 2017, and the Jeneponto FHQ Management began to be overwhelmed to meet the request of the Jeneponto community to be accepted to study with the FHQ Muwajih. In fact, due to the limitations of teachers, some teachers also concurrently have some halaqah. Then, it became an impetus for the administrators to think of ways to produce FHQ Muwajih with quality by the provisions.

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Peresmian Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz
Regent and Deputy Regent of Jeneponto, South Sulawesi, inaugurated the Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School

Several endeavors were carried out, from implementing the follow-up Dauroh Muwajih to the Open Recruitment of Muwajih FHQ. However, the results were still not as expected, so at a moment that coincided with 1 Muharram 1439 H / 2017 at Seruni Beach, Bantaeng Regency, the “Muharom Resolution 1439 H” was triggered, one of the items of the resolution was that in the next five years the Jeneponto Quran Halaqah Forum would establish a Tahfidz Islamic Boarding School “Roudhotul Huffadz Jeneponto” Roudhoh bi ma’na Huffadz Gardens bi ma’na The Qur’an Memorization,  namely Pondok Islamic Boarding school which became the Beautiful Gardens of the Quran Memorizers in Jeneponto.

The Muharram Resolution 1439 H itself is an endeavor to care for prejudice both to all the destinies and provisions of Allah Azzawajalla wrapped in the solemnity of the prayers of the Asatidz councils and Muwajih Forum Halaqoh Quran with perfect reverence to Allah Azzawajalla, and SubhanAllah wal alhamdulillah was worshipped by Allah Azzawajalla right in the 5th year in October 2022 which coincides with the month of Rabiulawal 1444 H.

Also Read: Dompet Dhuafa Sulsel Resmikan Pesantren Penghafal Quran di Jeneponto

The destiny scenario of Allah Swt is very beautiful, starting from the dreams of the early generations of FHQ Jeneponto, namely Ustaz Abdurrahman, Spi, MPD, (Mudir FHQ Jeneponto), Ustaz Imam Alfaruq, SEI, ME, (Central Cordofa / Mudir FHQ National), Andriansyah (DD South Sulawesi Branch Leader), Ustaz Amir Caddi (Cordofa Jeneponto), Bu Lula (Management of FHQ Jeneponto), Ustaz Reski (Management of FHQ Jeneponto) in 2017 AD / 1444 H and Allah realized right in the 5th year,  through the chanting of prayers offered. Infinite gratitude and emotion enveloped the early initiators for the inauguration of this Islamic boarding school.

Of course, the extraordinary contribution of the parties was given in supporting the construction of this Islamic boarding school, Mrs. Hellen, Mrs. Asma, Mrs. Ida, along with the ranks of muwajih and the management of FHQ Jeneponto, Mr. Head of Education Jeneponto, Mr. Sekda Jeneponto for the 2020 period, Wife of the Regent and Deputy Regent, as well as several parties that cannot be mentioned one by one, they all contributed actively in the development process of the Roudhotul Huffadz Jeneponto Islamic Boarding School, may Allah Azzawajalla give the best reward in the world and the hereafter, amen.