Releasing the Spirit of Islamic school students’ Worship, Dompet Dhuafa Builds Water Wells for Life.

West Java – For the concern of donors, Dompet Dhuafa built clean water facilities through the Water for Life (AUK) program in the community of Sukaratu Village, Malangbong District, Garut Regency. This program’s work was completed and inaugurated on Wednesday (1/2/2023).

 To be precise, the AUK program, in the form of drilled wells, water reservoir buildings, and piping, is in the Al Karomiku Islamic Boarding School area, Cileuleuy Village. The enthusiasm of the people of Sukaratu Village is also so high for the presence of this program. The inauguration ceremony, on Wednesday (1/2/2023), was attended by GM Dept. Education and Culture of Dompet Dhuafa, Herman Budianto; Head of Ponpes Al Karomiku, Muhammad Hudori; Head of Sukaratu Village, Asep Gunawan; Malangbong Sub-district, Syarifudin Invite; as well as dozens of residents, students and alumni of Ponpes Al Karomiku.

Herman Budianto gave a speech
Residents were also present to witness the inauguration of AUK.

The inauguration of AUK was marked by the withdrawal of a joint curtain by the attendees who came. Clean water can be obtained by drilling wells in the Islamic boarding school Al Karomiku area at a depth of 50 meters. Clean water is then accommodated in a 2000-liter water container.

Muhammad Hudori said in his speech that the clean water program from Dompet Dhuafa is not only a water program for life but also water for worship (thaharah). Because, mainly, this water will be used primarily by students and pilgrims from the surrounding community to worship.

“This water has been running for one month in advance. Thank God it has finished drilling. Although there were obstacles, thank God it was finally finished, and students and residents could use the water. Let us pray that this is Dompet Dhuafa and that the donors who help hopefully become worshipers. May water is a blessing, especially alumni students and the community,” he said.

The inauguration was marked by opening curtains.
The students of Al Karomiku Islamic Boarding School.

Islamic Boarding School Al Karomiku has been around since 2004 and has 200 students. Previously, the community and students used 3 (three) springs to carry out cleaning activities:

  1. The irrigation flow of rice fields.
  2. Water pipes flow sourced from the water flow of rice fields on the hill.
  3. A dug well that is erratic in the amount of water discharge available.

 According to Sukaratu District Head, this area often lacks water. Sometimes, people must stem the sewers, then keep and filter to get cleaner water. During the dry season, water is hard to come by, while the water is very cloudy during the rainy season.

“This program will be beneficial, especially for Islamic boarding schools and the surrounding community. We are delighted and grateful to Dompet Dhuafa and its donors for this water for life program,” he explained.

Herman tried the drilled water.
Residents flocked to watch the inauguration ceremony.
Toilet conditions of students and residents: Water is drained from rice field irrigation.

He ultimately believes that the people of Sukaratu Village need clean water. This clean water is also his concern regarding the water program.

 In line with that, the Head of Malangbong Sub-district invited and advised the students to continue their enthusiasm about studying. In the future, he hopes they can become great people who cling to the Koran, hadith, and religious science.

 “It is so important that religious science is our basis and fortress for carrying out every process of life,” he said.

Baca Juga: Dompet Dhuafa Launching Program Air Untuk Kehidupan di Kawasan Sehat Gili Gede Indah Lombok

Furthermore, Herman Budianto said that Dompet Dhuafa wants to invite all people with various potentials in Indonesia not to become humans who only think about themselves. But how can it continue to benefit others?

 “We appeal to the community to come together to take care of this program. Please arrange how to treat it together,” Herman said to the Sukaratu community. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)