Roudhotul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School Teaches Quality Quran Hafiz, Jeneponto Regent Appreciates Through Waqf Land

Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz

SOUTH SULAWESI — A token of appreciation comes from the Regent of Jeneponto, H. Drs. Iksan Iskandar, at the inauguration of the Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School in Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi. The appreciation is in the form of a waqf of private land covering an area of nearly 3 hectares located in the center of Jeneponto City. The intention to represent the land, admitted by regent Jeneponto, has existed since mid-2021. He wanted the Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School and the Halaqoh Quran Forum under Dompet Dhuafa South Sulawesi’s guidance to make the area an area of Kampung Quran Jeneponto.

This desire was present because the Regent of Jeneponto had seen firsthand the benefits of the presence of the Halaqoh Quran Forum program in Jeneponto Regency. The Regent’s wife, the Deputy Regent’s wife, the Head of the Jeneponto Regional Secretary, the Jeneponto Education Head, and several Jeneponto Local Government officials became participants and students of FHQ Jeneponto, and it is a real benefit that can be felt today.

Also Read: Regent & Deputy Regent of Jeneponto Inaugurates Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz Jeneponto Islamic Boarding School

Peresmian Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz
Regent and Deputy Regent of Jeneponto, South Sulawesi inaugurate the Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School

As of October 24, 2022, the number of participants/students of the Halaqah Quran Forum who are actively studying at the Great Mosque of Jeneponto, in mosques in Jeneponto Regency, in Musholla, official office space to the living room of students, the total number of students who are actively studying is 1080 people from 83 halaqohs. In addition, 80 students settled at the Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School. Five years ago, it was not imagined that the Halaqoh Quran Forum and the Roudhotul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School would be this big.

In addition, over the past three years, the students and Asatidz of the Roudhotul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School, who are also teachers of FHQ Jeneponto, have made a series of achievements such as MHQ at the Provincial, Regency, and other levels which are almost all won. This is what encourages the respect of the community, especially the state apparatus in the Jeneponto Regency Government is very high towards the Roudhotul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School. For information, not a few Jeneponto Regency Local Government ASNs and service employees in Jeneponto Regency are FHQ participants. They are willing to spend time after work, around 16.00 WITA until Magrib time, to learn Tahsin Quran at the Jeneponto Quran Halaqoh Forum.

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Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz
Regent and Deputy Regent Jeneponto inaugurate Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School

Dompet Dhuafa South Sulawesi through the Forum Halaqoh Quran Jeneponto program has opened a new face of Jeneponto Regency. Currently, Jeneponto is well known by the people of South Sulawesi as an area for printing Qori and memorizing the Quran. Of the many branches of the Musabaqoh Hifzil Quran and Musabaqoh Tilawatil Quran competitions of various levels, Jeneponto Regency has always been the contestant considered to be the champion candidate, and most of the candidates who advanced to represent the district were students, and Asatidz of Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz Jeneponto Islamic Boarding School.

“Jeneponto is now able to give birth to learners and memorizers of the Quran, my program as the Regent to make Jeneponto the printer of 1000 Qori and quranic hafiz, this year seems to have been realized, and that is through this Islamic Boarding School (Halaqoh Quran Forum and the Roudhotul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School),” said the Regent of Jeneponto, Iksan Iskandar.

Also Read: Presenting the 5th Mualaf Islamic Boarding School in Bali, Dompet Dhuafa Shows Responsibility as a Credible Zakat Institution


Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Jeneponto meresmikan Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz
Regent and Deputy Regent Jeneponto inaugurate Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School

Hopefully, the presence of the Tahfidz Roudhotul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School and the movement to ground the Quran through the Jeneponto Quran Halaqah Forum Program as the Managing Partner of Zakat Dompet Dhuafa South Sulawesi can inspire districts and cities throughout Indonesia to make the Quran a testament and the first step in strengthening the bond of ukhuwah islamiyah between Muslim communities, revive surau,  langgar, Musholla, and terraces of mosques in the morning and evening with chanting of the holy verses of the Quran. Hopefully, with this realization, it can bring blessings and Allah’s blessings Azzawajalla, Amiin Ya Mujibassaailin.