SDIT Darul Athfal Strengthens Humanitarian Solidarity for Turkey and Syria

JAKARTA – Concern for the calamity that has befallen Turkish and Syrian citizens continues. Educational institutions do not pass by to invite their students to care. One is carried out by the Darul Athfal Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT), Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta City.

On Thursday (2/3/2023), Baitul Mal SDIT Darul Athfal distributed humanitarian donations of IDR 28,610,000, – (twenty-eight million six hundred and ten thousand rupiah) through Dompet Dhuafa. The donations are collected from student donors as well as parents/guardians of students. In addition, many surrounding communities were also involved in this 2-week fundraising action.

Baca Juga: Siswa SDIF Al Fikri Kumpulkan Donasi untuk Turkiye dan Suriah

Representing all donors, Rizky Ramadhani, the administrator of Baitul Mal SDIT Darul Athfal, expressed deep sorrow for what happened to the brothers in Turkey and Syria.

“Humanitarian donations for the victims of the Turkish and Syrian earthquakes were collected from student donors and also parents/guardians of students. The amount may not be much, but they are willing to donate. In addition to students and parents, we invite the surrounding community to participate in this humanitarian action,” he explained.

Handover of humanitarian donations by the Principal of SDIT Darul Athfal to Dompet Dhuafa.

Every day, Baitul Mal SDIT Darul Athfal often urges and invites students to like to infaq. Similar actions have also been carried out, namely, raising donations for the victims of the Cianjur earthquake.

Dompet Dhuafa School Network Fundraising Officer Neng Nadiyya Syaima expressed his gratitude for the collaboration between SDIT Darul Athfal and Dompet Dhuafa. He also emphasized that Dompet Dhuafa will continue to strive to be present to the Turkish and Syrian people in the hope that the disaster will recover quickly.

Baca Juga: Dompet Dhuafa dan ROIS OJK Sajikan Ribuan Makanan Untuk Penyintas Gempa Turkiye

Of course, this will be maximized with the support and prayers of other brothers and sisters, especially those in Indonesia.

“We both hope that our brothers and sisters who were hit by the disaster in Turkey and Syria will recover soon,” he said.


Similarly, Rizky also hopes so. He also has high hopes for Dompet Dhuafa so that it can reach many good people and distribute aid more widely. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)