Jakarta: The second day of the Indonesia Giving Festival (IGF) Zakat Expo 2022 is still filled with excitement and joy. Various Zakat Management Organizations (OPZ) showcase their superior products. Less lively than the first day, Dompet Dhuafa continues to exist with various programs and services that are different from the previous day. Several of Dompet Dhuafa’s flagship programs are perched at the IGF Zakat Expo 2022 on Saturday (24/12/2022).
Out of the 55 booths at the IGF Zakat Expo 2022, Dompet Dhuafa filled seven booths which showcased their various superior services and programs. Among the seven booths, the following are three of Dompet Dhuafa’s flagship programs that have attracted quite a bit of attention at the IGF Zakat Expo 2022:
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Institute of Independence (IK)
The Independence Institute is a vocational training and business incubation Centre to prepare quality human resources to create an empowered society. On the second day, IK also showed one of its unique programs, namely Hair Cuts. It provided free haircuts for booth visitors and introduced existing programs. During the event, as many as 11 visitors were interested in taking part in a free shave. This program is also an empowerment program for alums who have previously attended barber training.
Umar Usman Business Campus
At the IGF – Zakat Expo 2022 event, which was held in Senayan, Central Jakarta, the Umar Usman Business Campus also socialised the profiles of alums who are beneficiaries of the Dompet Dhuafa scholarship and have completed one year of education to become entrepreneurs. They are the best graduates who have succeeded in becoming entrepreneurs with various products and a broad market.
Umar Usman Business Campus is a professional education provider focusing on giving birth to entrepreneurs. For a decade, the Umar Usman Business Campus has significantly contributed to increasing the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia through the Year Education Program (1-year college to become an entrepreneur) with the best and most applicable curriculum.
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Community Service Institution (LPM)
In addition to presenting information on special programs, LPM distributed souvenirs, snacks, and fresh drinks. LPM also exhibited the products of UMKM Mualaf Preneur Dompet Dhuafa. In addition, on the second day, LPM provides free massage services for visitors. During the event, Rahmat Riyadi, Chairman of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation and Yayat Supriatna, Secretary of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation, also enjoyed this free massage.
Baca juga:Layanan Program Dompet Dhuafa Meriahkan Ajang IGF 2022
Apart from presenting a series of booths, on the second day, Dompet Dhuafa also held an Annual Report as a form of accountability to the public and donors. On the same occasion, Dompet Dhuafa also signed an MoU with the Bahtera Maju Indonesia Foundation (YBMI) as the Zakat Management Partner (MPZ) for Dompet Dhuafa. Afterwards, Dompet Dhuafa also showed a live demonstration of zakat transactions as a symbol of cooperation with DuitHape.
For three decades, Dompet Dhuafa has always tried to contribute to effective and innovative empowerment programs. Rahmat Riyadi hopes that the empowerment carried out by Dompet Dhuafa from year to year will have a novelty so that they can be used as a model of empowerment for other institutions.
Baca juga: Layanan Program Dompet Dhuafa Meriahkan Ajang IGF 2022
“We also hope that this innovative empowerment can increase every year so that when we attend the same event next year, we will find empowerments that are more innovative and have more novelty. We are trying to make the systematics that we have also compiled understandable by other philanthropic institutions so that it makes it easier for other institutions to collaborate, to develop it more broadly,” concluded Rahmat in his speech Saturday (24/11/2022).
A Plenary Talk Show followed this event with local heroes Dompet Dhuafa from 5 pillars: economic, social, educational, preaching and culture. In closing, a charity concert was held involving various talented talents to be involved in acts of kindness to others. (Dompet Dhuafa/Anndini Dwi Putri)