SLI Dompet Dhuafa Sultra Program Improves Literacy in Wakatobi

WAKATOBI, SOUTHEAST SULAWESI – Collaborating with 2 (two) other Dompet Dhuafa entities, the USA Branch as a program fund provider and the Indonesian Literacy School (SLI) Human Development Institute (LPI) as a Mentor Expert, Dompet Dhuafa Southeast Sulawesi as the program implementer held closing the SLI program at the Wakatobi Cultural Park Building on Saturday (4/3/2023).

The event was attended by the Education Office, Library Office, Indonesian Teachers Association, principals, and teachers in Wakatobi Regency around 40 participants.

The schools targeted for assistance from the SLI program in Wakatobi Regency are SDN 2 Mola Utara, SDN Buku, and SDN Wasumandala. This mentoring process runs for 4 (four) months with Agustia, S.Pd, as the facilitator.

“Broadly speaking, the 4-month SLI program can increase literacy in the three accompanying elementary schools. We use the Uswah Method for the school mentoring process, and there are indicators of improvement,” added Agustia.

Baca Juga:

Dompet Dhuafa Sultra Branch Leader Hassan Afif said that it is hoped that the Indonesian Literacy School program in Wakatobi Regency can become a role model for the Literacy Program that other schools in Wakatobi Regency can duplicate.

“Sekolah Literasi Indonesia ” is a program that focuses on developing a literacy culture throughout the educational ecosystem, including formal, informal, and non-formal education. SLI is here as an effort to build and improve human quality through literacy,” he said.

“The number of beneficiaries of the Indonesian Literacy School program is three schools, 41 teachers, 560 students,” added Hassan Afif.

Baca Juga:

In his remarks, Ahmadi S.Pd, M.M the Head of Basic Education & Character Building of the Wakatobi District Education Office, revealed that the SLI program aligns with the echoes of the Education Office related to increasing literacy in Wakatobi Regency.

“The Indonesian Literacy School Program is excellent and aligns with what the Education Office echoes: increasing literacy in Wakatobi Regency. The Education Office is grateful to Dompet Dhuafa Sultra for implementing the Indonesian Literacy School Program in Wakatobi Regency,” said Ahmadi. (Dompet Dhuafa / Southeast Sulawesi / Dhika)