BEKASI — The month of Ramadhan is always the right moment to do good to achieve glory. Through #RamadanDariHati, Dompet Dhuafa strives to alleviate poverty and help underprivileged communities with various special programs during Ramadan.
Therefore, Dompet Dhuafa will continue to run Ramadan programs so that the benefits reach people in need throughout Indonesia with the hope that more mustahik will feel happiness.
Dompet Dhuafa and the Sharia Business Unit of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (BTN Syariah) collaborated through the BTN Syariah Mobile Banking Blessing Program for Orphans. This program involves BTN Syariah customers who make transactions using BTN Syariah Mobile Banking.
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Through this collaboration, customers who transact through BTN Syariah Mobile Banking can get rewards through alms for orphans of Rp500 (five hundred rupiah). Thus, the more transactions customers make, the greater the alms for orphans. Meanwhile, this donation value transaction is valid from 1-30 Ramadan or from March 23 to April 21, 2023.
“BTN Syariah has a program for donations for customers who own and use BTN Syariah Mobile Banking. We leave it to Dompet Dhuafa, hopefully the trust from BTN Syariah customers can be implemented and then also benefit the community, especially those who are entitled to receive donations from BTN Syariah customers,” said Director of Consumer Bank BTN, Hirwandi Gafar, Tuesday (18/4/2023).
In line with this, Ahmad Faqih S as General Manager of ZIS Association appreciated the collaboration with BTN Syariah. From this program, donations worth Rp45,000,000 were collected for the Muliakan Yatim program at Dompet Dhuafa.
“We are very happy to be able to work with BTN Syariah specifically in this Ramadan. So this collaboration is in the form of converting donations from every transaction in BTN Syariah Mobile Banking. Alhamdulillah, customers are very enthusiastic and enthusiastic about transacting in BTN Syariah Mobile Banking which is worth donating,” said Faqih.

Donations were handed over at the Bekasi Sharia Branch Office Building located at Ruko Centra Niaga, Kalimalang, A.Yani, South Bekasi District, Bekasi City. The event was attended by the Director of Consumer Bank BTN, Head of Sharia Business Division, Abdul Firman, and all Branch Heads of Jabodetabek Sharia Branch Offices. The activity was then continued with iftar together.
“Of course, we thank the leadership and all stakeholders of BTN Syariah who have collaborated with Dompet Dhuafa in this cooperation. God willing, this becomes a role model or model for other banks to instil spiritual value in existing brands. So BTN Syariah customers in addition to getting emotional value for the complete facilities and features in BTN Syariah Mobile Banking, customers will also inshaallah get spiritual value, namely every transaction worth donations. Of course, this will foster indirect concern for people who need it most,” added Faqih. (Dompet Dhuafa/Anndini)