JAKARTA – In an effort to realize better transparency and accountability, Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation has achieved ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 27001: 2022 certifications. The submission of ISO certification as well as the kick off meeting took place in the Sasana Budaya Rumah Kita Room, Philanthropy Building, South Jakarta, Tuesday (01/21/2025) morning.
This achievement also marks the beginning of the implementation of a better quality management system and information security in all lines of the organization and shows Dompet Dhuafa’s commitment to applying international standards in organizational management.

In his remarks, Chairman of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation Board, Ahmad Juwaini, expressed his appreciation for the hard work of the entire team. He emphasized that ISO certification is a form of Dompet Dhuafa’s commitment to continuously improve service quality and maintain public trust.
“ISO in the context of certification can be linked to the achievements of a company/institution. This is very influential with public trust. This is like a reciprocal relationship, like clothes with the body. Certificate with behavior. So this is important as our quality. Forcing us to meet a certain standard in good behavior. If necessary, show it to be more respectful. To continue to encourage Dompet Dhuafa’s performance to be better, “said Ahmad Juwaini.
Read also: Dompet Dhuafa Commits to Implement ISO 9001 and ISO 27001
In line with that, the representative of the ISO institution, Waras Putri Andriyati as Business Assurance Director of PT SGS Indonesia, in her speech said, “After a year’s journey, this is worth to wait. This is an international standard. This is a voluntary standard and quite difficult but this is good will. Alhamdulillah Dompet Dhuafa got this. This is a commitment to provide the best and be even better. Not everyone thinks in that direction but Dompet Dhuafa does. This is important. Congratulations, hopefully you are trustworthy.”

In addition to the ISO certification handover, Dompet Dhuafa also launched the Whistle Blowing System (WBS) complaint channel as a form of implementation of the certification. This complaint channel is expected to be a forum for the community to submit reports related to alleged violations that occur within the organization.
“With the complaint channel, we hope to increase transparency and accountability in organizational management. We also invite all parties to participate in maintaining the integrity of Dompet Dhuafa,” said Puji Astuti, GM of Governance and Compliance of Dompet Dhuafa.

Read also: Why is GCG important for Dompet Dhuafa?
On the occasion of presenting material at the kick off meeting, Dadang Tri Sasongko and Winarso from Mercof Law & Governance, also stated, “Our democracy is destroyed because of corruption. The risk of corruption outside and inside the organization is on the part of the community, the private sector, the state. What about Dompet Dhuafa? Let’s learn from the experience of other organizations. Keep the integrity that has been very good, hopefully it is trustworthy.”
At the end of the event, the ISO certification pin was symbolically installed and the commitment sheet was signed by the Board of Management and the management of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photo: Dhika
Editor: Dedi Fadlil