Bogor: One of Indonesia’s cultures before having Eid al-Fitr is returning home. Homecoming is a moment to meet with extended family in your hometown and enjoy togetherness in a happy holiday atmosphere. The Human Development Institute (LPI) Dompet Dhuafa, through Smart Ekselensia Indonesia, held a ceremonial release of 175 selected students for Pulang Kampung on Wednesday (12/4/2023).
The release program for Smart Ekselensia Indonesia students to their hometown is held once a year, precisely during Ramadan. This moment is extraordinary in building closeness and attachment between family members and relatives. The homecoming moment is indeed highly anticipated. After being separated from parents and family for one year, homecoming allows students to replenish their enthusiasm and motivation to learn.
Dompet Dhuafa’s Director of Finance and Operations, Tri Estriani, revealed that the 2023 Pulang Kampung Program is a form of Dompet Dhuafa’s appreciation to Smart Ekselensia students who have struggled so far.
“This agenda is already routine for you every year, but maybe this year is special. This agenda is an appreciation for all of you for your hard work while studying at Smart, far from your parents and family, but you are passionate and struggling. You sacrifice a lot,” said Tri Estriani in her speech.

This homecoming program starts from April 13 to May 4, 2023. Meanwhile, Mulyadi Saputra, as the head of LPI Dompet Dhuafa, advised Smart Ekselensia Indonesia students to continue to uphold their beloved school’s values despite being in their respective villages.
“Going home is a challenge whether we are persistent and organized, when you return home how to pray, sunnah, obligatory, recitation, good behavior, and hopefully you will still stick to the values of smart, honest, polite, caring, disciplined, and earnest. Hopefully, that value will remain with you as one of the flagship programs of Smart Ekselensia Indonesia,” said Mulyadi Setiawan.
A total of 175 students were released directly by Mulyadi Setiawan and Tri Estriani. The students also said goodbye and shook hands with all ustaz and ustazah LPI Dompet Dhuafa. The release procession was also accompanied by Endank Soekamti’s song entitled “Sampai jumpa.”

Happiness is engraved on their faces, and this is felt right by Bilal, one of the Smart Ekselensia Indonesia students who live in Bandung. According to him, this moment is highly expected by all students.
“This is a program that all of us have been waiting for. In our village, we can gather with family and relatives to stay in touch, which is a happy moment for all of us. We hope that in returning home, we can recharge our spirit so that when we return to Smart Ekselensia Indonesia, we can refresh our spirit better and get more achievement and the spirit of learning, “said Bilal.
This program is expected to be a moment of homesickness after a year of struggling with school and boarding life and a time for students to spread the kindness obtained in SMART to family and relatives.
“Happy return home, homecoming Ramadan 1444 H, may Allah have mercy on you and also have mercy. But God willing, the people here will go home and come back here,” Mulyadi Saputra concluded.

The 2023 Pulang Kampung Program has been implemented thanks to many parties’ support, including LPI Dompet Dhuafa, Sangkuriang, and PT Agrinesia Indonesia, which provide several souvenirs for students to bring home.
“We thank the donors, hopefully, for all the kindness they set aside for us so we can still go home. On behalf of all Smart Ekselensia students, I apologize to Ustaz and Ustazah for our mistakes and shortcomings. Thank you for the guidance so far and my message; keep the worship, keep giving your best that this is a Smart Ekselensia student,” Bilal said to all participants of Pulang Kampung 2023. (Dompet Dhuafa/Anndini)