TENJO, BOGOR — Dompet Dhuafa and Badan Pengelola Keuangan Haji (BPKH) of the Republic of Indonesia held the handover of the 2022 Welfare Program in Sukarasa Village, Cilaku Village, Tenjo District, Bogor Regency on Friday (31/3/2023).
This handover is included in the series of BPKH’s 2022 Welfare Program with Dompet Dhuafa’s benefit partners for the Baitul Ihsan Mosque DKM in tower construction, DKM offices, procurement of paving blocks, and other supporting facilities. Previously, Dompet Dhuafa had been BPKH’s benefit partner since 2020, and is now trusted to manage the benefit fund in 2022.
The DKM office and supporting office for Masjid Baitul Ihsan were handed over directly by the Deputy of the Secretariat of the Agency and Welfare of BPKH, Emir Rio Kharisma to the Head of the DKM of the Baitul Ihsan Mosque represented by Rahmat Hidayat as the Trustee of the Madinatur Rahmah Hidayah Foundation.
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As a beneficiary, Rahmat Hidayat also expressed his gratitude. He was grateful for the assistance in constructing the DKM office, minarets, and other supporting facilities for the Baitul Ihsan Mosque. Because, he knows very well that the process of building some of these facilities is not easy. Rahmat also revealed that the building built must have three principles.
“Alhamdulillah, finally the tower and DKM room construction can be completed. There must be three principles (in development): safety, function, and aesthetics. Regarding safety, we are 10 meters deep, so in terms of quality and quantity. This building has standards, become standards, all use the best quality, “said Rahmat.

In line with this, Emir Rio Khrisna, Deputy of BPKH Agency and Welfare Secretariat, appreciated the collaboration between Dompet Dhuafa and BPKH. He also hopes that more people will be interested in visiting the mosque and prospering it in the future.
“Alhamdulillah, BPKH we can help Tenjo’s benefit program. Hopefully, the construction of office space, towers, and facilities can be helpful in the community around Tenjo and hopefully, this mosque can prosper not only the elderly, young people, but also small children, especially to our benefit partner, Dompet Dhuafa who has helped the implementation of the construction of this mosque, office space, minaret, and infrastructure. Thank you to the ladies and gentlemen involved in constructing this mosque,” he said.
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Furthermore, Rio explained that this development was financed from the value of the benefits of the People’s Endowment Fund or Dana Abadi Umat (DAU) which was managed transparently and accountability by BPKH.
“So this benefit fund comes from the Value Benefits of managing the People’s Endowment Fund Investment. This is the main source of funds from funds managed by Dompet Dhuafa, the second largest one comes from initial deposits and full deposits deposited by Hajj pilgrims,” explained the Emir.

Not only that, Dompet Dhuafa also oversees benefit funds for other programs, such as the procurement of medical devices at Hasyim Ashari Hospital, assistance for Cianjur Earthquake survivors, as well as the procurement of ambulances and operational cars at several points. Dompet Dhuafa is also entrusted to distribute these benefit funds to beneficiaries determined by BPKH.
Bobby P. Manullang as General Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Waqf Donor and Collection Services explained that now is the era of colabasi in spreading kindness.
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“Dompet Dhuafa has the opportunity to collaborate, which hopefully has a huge impact for the benefit of the people. We would like to thank you, thank God, because together with Dompet Dhuafa, we have realized the mandate from BPKH. Later it will support the overall activity, “added Bobby in his speech.

In the future, continued Bobby, Baitul Ihsan Mosque can become a center of action, other activities support worship activities. One of them is an institution for education. The activity continued with the ceremonial inauguration of the DKM office marked by a ribbon cutting as well as a tour around the DKM office of the Baitul Ihsan Mosque. After the inauguration, it continued with iftar activities together.
“We would like to express our deepest gratitude to BPKH for cooperating with Dompet Dhuafa to be a benefits partner to control this trust fund. It is hoped that the cooperation between BPKH and Dompet Dhuafa can be established more closely and implement more masterpiece programs so that indeed the benefit funds can be felt by all people in Indonesia,” said Ahmad Faqih Syarafadin, GM of the Zakat, Infak, and Alms Association or Zakat, Infak, dan Sedekah (ZIS) of Dompet Dhuafa. (Dompet Dhuafa/Anndini)