THK Dompet Dhuafa Gives a Lot of Good at the Indonesia-Malaysia Border

Dompet Dhuafa Tebar Hewan Kurban ke masyarakat perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia, Pulau Sebatik

SEBATIK ISLAND, NORTH KALIMANTAN — Living with limited restrictions in the border area makes people on Sebatik Island unable to feel the pleasure of sacrificial meat. This island is in the outermost region of Indonesia, and even its territory is owned by two countries, Indonesia and Malaysia. For this reason, on Saturday (1/7/2023), Dompet Dhuafa East Kalimantan distributed sacrificial animals from donors on this border island through the Sacrificial Animal Stocking Program (THK)

The two locations targeted for distribution include Sungai Limau Atas Village and Aji Kuning, Sebatik Tengah, Nunukan, and North Kalimantan. This location was chosen because access to the village must take a cobblestone road surrounded by oil palm plantations, where if it rains, the road cannot be passed at all.

Dompet Dhuafa Tebar Hewan Kurban ke masyarakat perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia, Pulau Sebatik
THK 1444 H on the Indonesia-Malaysia border.

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Ironically, in the years since the border peg was established, there have been no sacrifices in the region. Alhamdulillah, with the Sacrificial Animal Stocking Program (THK) and the mandate from Dompet Dhuafa donors, people in this region can feel the pleasure of sacrificial animal meat.

Pak Cik Landang (65), who has lived on the border for approximately 20 years, only this time can taste the meat of sacrificial animals. He was also happy with the presence of sacrifices in the village where he lived. His cheerful smile shows this happiness when receiving the sacrificial meat.

The father said, “There has been no sacrifice here for a long time. Being here, it was only this time that I could feel the sacrificial animals. Thank you very much for sacrificing here.”

Dompet Dhuafa Tebar Hewan Kurban ke masyarakat perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia, Pulau Sebatik
Meat distribution uses small containers made from bamboo as an alternative to reducing plastic waste.

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Amran, the Chairman of the local RT, conveyed the same thing.

“Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah Almighty. We feel very touched, joyful, and moved by this sacrifice. Not to forget also our thousands of thanks to donors, “he said.

TNI Pamtas RI-Malaysia officers and the surrounding community also assisted in the sacrifice on the Indonesia-Malaysia border. Thus, the sacrificial process can run smoothly from cutting to distribution. (Dompet Dhuafa/Kaltim/Muthohar)