JENEPONTO, SOUTH SULAWESI — Even though it was a holiday, Sunday (20/11/2022), the student’s enthusiasm for the Halaqah Qur’an Forum (FHQ) never relaxed. The An Najm FHQ, held at the Jeneponto Grand Mosque, South Sulawesi, seemed crowded. Since morning, the group there took turns filling the mosque’s prayer room according to a predetermined class schedule.
Jeneponto is the area with the second largest number of students for the FHQ Dompet Dhuafa program. More than 1,000 students have joined the FHQ. They range from government officials to civil society.
FHQ, initiated by CORDOFA (Corps Dai Dompet Dhuafa) and Dompet Dhuafa South Sulawesi Branch, is one of the da’wah programs developed in Jeneponto. Alhamdulillah, apart from receiving great enthusiasm from the community, this program was also appreciated by the local government.
“We also didn’t expect that the enthusiasm of the community was so great to be able to study and join this FHQ, thank God,” said one of the Muwajih/Teachers at FHQ, An Najm Jeneponto.
Last August 2022, in the Jeneponto Regent’s Office Hall, Dompet Dhuafa Sulsel received a certificate of appreciation as a form of appreciation from the Jeneponto Regency government for their support and cooperation in realizing development and achieving the vision and mission of the Jeneponto Regent and Deputy Regent in 3 years of leadership. One of them printed 1,000 hafidz Qur’an in Jeneponto.
Perhaps, our hands have yet to be able to reach all corners of Indonesia and the world. However, with Allah’s permission, through the zakat that you have entrusted to Dompet Dhuafa, then managed in a trustworthy and professional manner. Hopefully, it will be able to provide tangible benefits to all needy beneficiaries.
Baca Juga:
Zakat also contributes to creating the best human beings. May he also become a jariyah, because your support flows to every letter of the Koran they have read. The Halaqah Qur’an Forum in Jeneponto is just one of the da’wah programs managed by Dompet Dhuafa. Let’s realize other programs with the best zakat through (Dompet Dhuafa / Putri / Dhika Prabowo)