JAKARTA – After successfully holding a mosque seminar at the Darussalam Mosque in Cibubur Tourism City on Saturday (25/3/2023), Dompet Dhuafa through the Empowerment Mosque Collaboration (KMP), continued its Da’wah Safari to the Great Mosque of Al Insan Patal, Senayan on Sunday (26/3/2023). Led by Ustaz Kusnadi Ikhwani, Chairman of the Takmir of Al-Falah Grand Mosque, this activity was carried out for four days in 10 mosques spread across Jabodetabek.
These mosques include Masjid Jami’ Darussalam Mampang, Masjid Baiturrahman Blok U Villa Nusa Indah, Masjid An Ni’mah Citra Grand, Masjid Kota Wisata Cibubur, Masjid Al Madinah Parung, Masjid At Taqwa PIK Penggilingan, Masjid Al Mujahidin Perumnas Klender, Masjid Ash Shomad Citra Raya, Masjid Raya Al Insan Patal Senayan, and Masjid Baabut Tawhid.
Baca juga: KMP Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Safari Dakwah, Momentum Tuk Makmurkan Masjid di Bulan Ramadan

Ustaz Kusnadi Ikhwani, as Chairman of the Takmir of Al-Falah Grand Mosque of Sragen, appreciated the da’wah safari event. According to Ustaz Kusnadi, the collaboration of empowering mosques can encourage mosques in Indonesia to continue to grow and be present as solutions for the people.
“Alhamdulillah, during my 4-day Da’wah Safari in Jakarta, I visited various mosques that are currently Masya Allah. The activity is extraordinary, namely with the KMP mosque; this Empowering Mosque Collaboration hopefully can further encourage mosques in Indonesia to grow and be empowered, “said Ustaz Kusnadi.
Apart from being a momentum to prosper the mosque, Safari Dakwah activities are also to introduce one of the KMP Dompet Dhuafa programs that will be launched soon, namely the Empowering Mosque Academy.

Chairman of the National Presidium of KMP Dompet Dhuafa, Andi Juliandi, said that the Empowering Mosque Academy is a 3-6 month of learning. This program is specifically for selected leaders who will later be assigned to preach in their respective mosques. Collaborating with Formation 1, KMP Dompet Dhuafa will provide superior understanding through the Empowering Mosque Academy (AMP).
“KMP, after Ramadan, will launch a flagship program, a flagship program called the Empowering Mosque Academy, and it is free. God willing, we will do our great work together, we work closely together, we collaborate, because no effort optimally runs if we do not walk together, “said Andi Juliandi in his speech.

In line with this, Ustaz Kusnadi Ikhwani said the AMP program is essential because, in the field, there is still a need for a leader for mosque governance so that mosques can be managed professionally.
“For mosque governance, this (AMP program) must be present so that the mosque can be managed professionally and seriously, it takes people who have the capacity and competence, so the place is the Empowering Mosque Academy. This is a solution to print Ustaz, leaders of mosques who will later preach in various mosques in the archipelago, “added Ustaz Kusnadi.
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KMP is an association of mosques that joined based on the same vision of realizing the role of mosques in alleviating poverty. KMP is a legal association comprising representatives of empowering mosque administrators in Indonesia.
He also hopes that this program will present more inspiring leaders who can tour various mosques supported by Dompet Dhuafa. Of course, with materials and curriculum that can reach the congregation. So that this empowering mosque collaboration, present in the community, and the function of the mosque as in the time of the Holy Prophet (saw) can be revived.
The worshippers also welcomed the mosque seminar activity at the Insan Patal Senayan Grand Mosque. This activity also involved an interactive discussion session with the internal management of the Great Mosque of Insan Patal Senayan. (Dompet Dhuafa/Anndini)