Friends, have you ever felt like you’ve been working all day, but when you come home you’re just tired? It’s as if you’re working hard from morning to night just to meet deadlines without any meaningful results. If this is the case, you might wonder, “Why is work so tiring? How can I make work less tiring?” Well, this article will give you some cool tips so that work doesn’t just make you tired, but also brings greater benefits to your life. Check it out!
1. Understand the Meaning of Work in Islam
Before we get into the practical tips, it’s important to know how Islam views work. In Islam, work is not just about earning a living, but also a form of worship. Allah SWT says in the Qur’an:
“And say, ‘Work, and Allah and His Messenger and the believers will see your work, and you will be returned to the One who knows the unseen and the manifest, and He will tell you what you have done.’” (QS. At-Taubah: 105)
This verse emphasizes that every work we do will be seen by Allah SWT, and it will be our provision in the hereafter. So, instead of focusing only on material results, we should intend our work as an act of worship to make it more meaningful and not just make us tired.
2. Intend to Work Because of Allah
One way to make work not only make you tired is by setting your intention. Intention is the first thing we must straighten out before starting work. If our intention is just to pursue money or to be considered successful, the result may be endless fatigue.
A popular preacher, Ustadz Hanan Attaki, once said, “Good intentions are very important, bro. When our intention is to work to seek Allah’s pleasure, every tiredness we feel, God willing, will be replaced with rewards.”
So, from now on, try to intend your work for worship. That way, it won’t just be physical exhaustion, but also an investment in rewards for the hereafter.
3. Find a Balance Between Work and Personal Life
Hard work is important, but don’t be a robot who lives only for work. Rasulullah SAW himself taught the importance of balance between work and personal life. In a hadith, he said:
“Verily your body has a right over you, your eyes have a right over you, and your family has a right over you.” (HR. Bukhari)
This means that besides work, our bodies need rest, our eyes need sleep, and our families need time with us. Don’t let the pursuit of your career make you forget about your health and personal happiness.
4. Make Work a Field of Alms
Have you ever heard the term “almsgiving of energy”? Well, work can also be a field of alms if we intend to help others. For example, if you have certain skills, use them to help a coworker who is struggling. Or, if you have extra salary, don’t hesitate to give alms to those in need.
Allah SWT says in the Qur’an:
“The example of those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah is like a grain of seed that grows seven ears, in each ear a hundred seeds. Allah multiplies (the reward) for whom He wills. And Allah is All-Wide (in His bounty) and All-Knowing.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 261)
By giving alms, your hard work not only makes you tired, but can also open the door to greater sustenance. In addition, your heart will also be calmer and happier knowing that your hard work is beneficial for others.
5. Don’t Forget to Be Grateful
After being tired of working, we often forget to be grateful for what we’ve got. In fact, gratitude can make our hearts calmer and happier. Rasulullah SAW said:
“Whoever is not grateful to man, is not grateful to Allah.” (HR. Ahmad)
Try deh, every time you finish working, take a moment to be grateful. Recall what you’ve accomplished, and enjoy the process. That way, your hard work won’t feel useless because you know that all of it is a gift from Allah SWT.
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6. Stay Positive and Don’t Complain
There are definitely challenges at work, but don’t let that make you give up or complain. Remember that every test at work is part of the self-maturing process. Ustadz Adi Hidayat once said, “Complaining will not solve the problem, it will only increase the burden. On the contrary, being grateful and patient will make us stronger to face all trials.”
By staying positive, you will find it easier to find solutions to any problems that arise in the workplace. And of course, your hard work won’t be in vain.
7. Don’t Forget Zakat
Apart from alms, there is one obligation that we must not forget, which is zakat. Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam that must be paid by every eligible Muslim. Zakat is not only a form of social care, but also a way to clean our wealth from bad things. Allah SWT says:
“Take zakat from some of their wealth, with which you cleanse and purify them…” (QS. At-Taubah: 103)
By paying zakat, the hard work we do becomes more blessed. The wealth we earn becomes purer and, Insha Allah, will bring goodness not only in this world, but also in the hereafter.
Work can be tiring, but if we know how to deal with it, it won’t be in vain. Intend to work for the sake of Allah, maintain a balanced life, utilize work as a field of alms, and don’t forget to be grateful and stay positive. Don’t forget to always give zakat as a form of obedience to Allah SWT. That way, your hard work will feel lighter, more meaningful, and of course full of blessings.
Remember, work is not just about pursuing a salary or career, but also a form of worship that can bring us closer to Allah SWT. So, from now on, let’s change our mindset so that work is not just tired, but also brings blessings!