BATU BARA, NORTH SUMATERA — In order to socialize anti-bullying in schools, Dompet Dhuafa Waspada together with UPT SMP N 1 Sei Suka, Batu Bara Regency held a fairy tale activity for students, Monday (31/10/2022).
Held directly in the field, the students sat listening to the story accompanied by the teachers. Principal of UPT SMP N 1 Sei Suka, Maslina Sinaga S.Pd, in her speech conveyed the importance of holding a fairy tale about anti-bullying at her school.
“We need to know that bullying is unpleasant behavior either verbally, physically, or socially in the real or virtual world. This event is certainly a very concerning thing in the world of education,” she said.

Therefore, said Maslina, UPT SMP N 1 Sei Suka deliberately took a policy by collaborating with the Dompet Dhuafa Waspada Team through storytelling activities with the theme Anti Bullying (bullying).
“We want enlightenment to appear to students at UPT SMPN 1 Sei Suka, because there is education in it to stay away from bullying (bullying) which is packaged in the form of children’s stories or fairy tales,” said Maslina.
Responding to this activity, the Branch Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Waspada was also pleased with the collaboration with UPT SMPN 1 Sei Suka.

“Of course we are very happy, our arrival can be useful for students, we also thank you and hopefully this collaboration can continue,” he said.
Sulaiman also said that this fairy tale activity is one of the routine agendas held by Dompet Dhuafa Waspada every year in order to educate students.
“There are two educations that we provide, first about moral messages conveyed through fairy tales and second about how to educate children to love sharing through infaq and alms,” said Sulaiman.
The fairy tale event was welcomed by the students. A festive atmosphere accompanied the fairy tale activities, when the storyteller (kak Andy) started telling stories with his doll.

Muhammad Daffa Reyhan as the head of the Osis expressed his excitement that the fairy tales he heard were very useful.
“We are very happy with this activity, kak Andy as the storyteller told us about Marsha’s character who is often bullied, very funny, but behind the funny story there are so many positive values that we get. Hopefully the school can invite Andy more often to tell stories again,” he hoped.
After the fairy tale was held, Dompet Dhuafa Waspada gave a certificate of appreciation to UPT SMP N 1 Sei Suka for this fairy tale collaboration. (Dompet Dhuafa / Waspada)