JAKARTA — Corps Dai Dompet Dhuafa (Cordofa) together with 15 preachers from Dai Pemberdaya School batch 8 came to visit Dompet Dhuafa ‘s headquarters at the Philanthropy Building, Jl. Warung Jati Barat, Jati Padang, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta, on Friday (4/11/2022). This visit aims to make the preachers more familiar with Dompet Dhuafa.
The visit was welcomed by Dian Mulyadi as General Manager of Communication & Corporate Secretary of Dompet Dhuafa. On the occasion, Dian introduced Dompet Dhuafa to the preachers, saying, “Dompet Dhuafa is an Islamic philanthropy institution that serves in empowering the poor with a cultural approach through philanthropy activities”.

He then added, “Dompet Dhuafa has branches in 29 provinces, has service zones in 37 provinces, and has 5 (five) overseas branch offices such as America, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and Hong Kong. Dompet Dhuafa is also the first Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ) in Indonesia”.
From its history, Dompet Dhuafa has been established since 1993. The initial donation collected was Rp425,000 that year, which now Dompet Dhuafa has received a mandate of Rp450 billion per year.

Dian also explained that Dompet Dhuafa has a vision, namely the realization of a just and prosperous society. Dompet Dhuafa also has a mission, among others; (1) optimizing the utilization of zakat, infaq sedekah, and waqf (ZISWAF) to provide for the dhuafa (poor) to be free from the shackles of poverty, (2) advocating and providing services to encourage justice-based community transformation, (3) realizing services, advocacy and sustainability and having an impact on sustainable community independence, (4) and realizing organizational sustainability through good governance in accordance with the principles of Good Corpporate Governance and compliance with Sharia principles and the development of information and communication technology.
To explain more about Dompet Dhuafa, Dian also introduced one of Dompet Dhuafa’s waqf assets, Zona Madina. Zona Madina is a showcase of integrated empowerment with waqf assets but operational funds from zakat. There, there are several programs, namely the Al-Madina Mosque da’wah social waqf program, productive economic programs such as MSMEs, the Smart Ekselensia Indonesia school education program and the free integrated Rumah Sehat hospital health program for the poor.
“So Dompet Dhuafa tries to create an area where the zakat funds can be optimized in such a way as to generate the household economy so that it can rotate the cycle. That’s how we manage zakat funds, not that zakat funds are distributed out of use,” explained Dian.

Furthermore, Dian explained the role of Corps Dai Dompet Dhuafa (Cordofa) in Dompet Dhuafa. Cordofa enters the role of preachers in the Directorate of Cultural Da’wah and Community Services. In the future, Cordofa will also come after disaster response. For example, today there is a disaster handled by the Disaster Management Center (DMC) team, after that comes the Free Health Services (LKC) team to help in the health sector, after that comes the Human Development Institute (LPI) team so that children can stay in school, then the Community Service Institute (LPM) comes down to help with consumption. After everything went well, then the Cordofa team came down so that the psychology of the survivors would not be shaken through a spiritual approach.
After the event was over, Dian invited Cordofa and the Dai School Batch 8 preachers to tour the Philanthropy building to get to know more about Dompet Dhuafa’s head office. (Dompet Dhuafa / Muhaitsam)