HATAY, TURKEY — Dompet Dhuafa, through the Disaster Management Center (DMC) unit of Dompet Dhuafa sent 200 ready-to-eat food packages for Turkish Earthquake survivors who were displaced in Aktepe, Hassa District, Hatay Province on Thursday (16/02/2023).
The ready-to-eat food is the fruit of Dompet Dhuafa’s collaboration with local food business partners in Turkiye.
“At the same time, revive the economy in the Turkish region,” explained Narwan as Manager of Response-Recovery of DMC Dompet Dhuafa.
Also Read: Bangun Rumah Sakit Lapangan untuk Percepat Layanan Medis Gempa Turkiye
Starting from one tent to another, the team directly distributed the ready-to-eat food aid to survivors in need.
Öznür and her three children are a family that also feels the benefits of ready-to-eat food from Dompet Dhuafa. They said they were happy to receive food packages. Because by eating the food aid, their bodies warmed up again amid the extreme cold weather.
“Teşekkür ederim thank you),” she said.
Also Read: Bantuan Dunia Berdatangan, Indonesia Pimpin Komando SAR Internasional Gabungan di Turkiye
For information, a dietitian in Toronto, Canada, Bri Bell stated that cold weather could make some people feel hungry quickly. The reason is, temperature affects the amount of energy in the human body.
“One of the simplest reasons is that your body needs to use more energy to stay warm in colder environments, especially if the cold causes you to shiver,” Bell said as reported by Kompas.
In addition, it is also explained that hunger will still be present and have an influence on cold weather in any form such as from the rainy season.
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As of Thursday (16/02/2023), Dompet Dhuafa’s assistance for the Turkey Earthquake has targeted 1,455 people. The aid is distributed through food distribution, blankets, evacuation to medical. All of this can happen thanks to Donors, Friends, and Good Friends who work hand in hand to assist Dompet Dhuafa.
All the good accumulated, Insya Allah, will Dompet Dhuafa distribute it on target and with a wide reach.
As of Thursday (16/2/2023), it is known that the number of casualties of the Turkey-Syria earthquake has reached 42,000. It consisted of 36,187 casualties in Turkey and 5,800 casualties in Syria.
Also Read: Suhu Dingin, Korban Gempa Turkiye Butuhkan Sepatu dan Kaus Kaki
Good Friend Dompet Dhuafa, a survivor of the Turkey-Syria Earthquake, still needs a helping hand of kindness for all of us. Let’s rally the ranks and strengthen solidarity in helping our brothers and sisters in Turkey-Syria. My Good Friend can send help and prayers by clicking the link below. It’s Time for the World to Face Disaster.