Zuhud Lifestyle, Islamic Stoicism

Ilustrasi seseorang yang menerapkan sikap zuhud.

The screens of our smartphones that we stare at everyday are certainly not free of portraits of other people’s lives. We can see friends traveling in luxury cars, or occupying new homes in elite areas, or even getting promoted in their jobs. This can be a double-edged knife. On the one hand it can be a motivation, but on the other hand it can cause envy or even insecurity. This is where we need to adopt an attitude of zuhud. What is zuhud?

What is Zuhud?

Many people think that zuhud is the behavior of hating worldly things, abandoning possessions, and living only in worship for the sake of heaven. That is an erroneous assumption. So, what is zuhud? Zuhud is an attitude of life that does not place high value on the world. Someone who practices zuhud means that he does not set his heart on the world, but he does not avoid the pleasures of the world either.

If there is someone who claims to be zuhud by filling his life only with worship and is concerned only with the hereafter, then he is not actually practicing zuhud behavior. This attitude is actually considered selfish, because it is only concerned with oneself. Allah swt has indeed commanded His people to worship as best as they can, as much as they can, in order to attain happiness in the hereafter. But that does not mean we neglect the affairs of the world. We still have an obligation to provide for ourselves, our families, and fulfill our social obligations.

This is as Allah Swt says in surah Al-Qasash verse 77:

“And seek in what Allah has bestowed upon you (the happiness) of the Hereafter, and do not forget your happiness from the pleasures of this world, and do unto others as Allah has done unto you, and do not cause mischief on the earth, for Allah loves not those who cause mischief.”

Read also: Hasad: A Disease of the Heart that Can Ruin Our Practices

Zuhud as a Lifestyle

As Muslims, we need to strive to make zuhud behavior a lifestyle. Especially in this age of extreme information openness. We should not be disbelieving in the blessings that we have and have worked for, just because we see other people’s lives, which are only a fraction of ours.

Zuhud is stability. By applying this attitude of life, we will not be shaken by the pleasures of the world. This is because we already have the principle that the only thing that matters is the pleasure of Allah Swt. A zahid (one who lives an attitude of zuhud) can still have a lot of wealth, but he will not be complacent about it. And when he loses them, a zahid will not sink into sadness, because the only thing he is aiming for is the pleasure of Allah Swt.

It should always be remembered that being a zahid does not mean that we have to lose our wealth, but rather that we disconnect our hearts from our wealth. This means that whether or not we have wealth or worldly favors, we still go about our day in accordance with Allah’s commands and try to make ends meet for ourselves and our families.

Zuhud means not desiring something that is permitted by Shari’ah even though the opportunity to obtain or do it exists. This is done in order to train ourselves to put the interests of others before our own, and to cleanse ourselves and our hearts.

For example, we could go to work by car, but we don’t choose that option and take public transportation instead. The reason is because we are only going alone and there is plenty of space in the car, if we keep going by car then it will only add to the congestion. We do this for the common good, not for the personal good of a sense of comfort that can only be felt by ourselves.

Read also: Implementation of Sharia Economics to Realise Islamic Behaviour

Zuhud and Stoicism

Stoicism is a school of philosophy that teaches about self-control. The stoic worldview focuses on how we can live well and happily by controlling our emotions. By adhering to this principle, we will be able to face life’s challenges more calmly and wisely.

Wise is the key word that makes zuhud and stoicism related. People who practice zuhud and stoicism will be wiser in responding to various situations. They let go of worldly relationships with their hearts or emotions. This is because emotions can be a source of human unhappiness that will make them busy (protracted) and forget Allah Swt.

Signs of Zuhud

Imam Al-Ghazali through the book Ihya Ulumuddin explains the signs of someone who is a zahid or a person who applies a zuhud life attitude. The signs include:

  • A zuhud person will not be affected by the presence and absence of wealth. He will not be proud when he has wealth, but also not sad when wealth is lost from him. As Allah says in surah Al-Hadid 23, “(We have ordained this) so that you may not grieve for what has escaped you, nor be overjoyed for what He has given you. Allah does not like those who are proud and boast.”
  • A zuhud person will not be affected by praise and insults. Being insulted or praised has nothing to do with negative or positive emotions. Both are the same for the zuhud person. Thus, a zahid will not be crazy about respect.
  • A zuhud person will only feel comforted or happy with everything related to Allah SWT. This is characterized by him feeling pleasure and happiness in worship.

May Allah Swt always give us ease and guidance so that we can take zuhud as a way of life. Aameen… (RQA)