BOGOR – PT AXA Mandiri Financial Services Unit Syariah (AXA Mandiri Syariah) together with Dompet Dhuafa held a Sharia financial literacy and health activity with the theme “Healthier, More Careful, More Independent” in Zona Madina, Bogor, on Tuesday (11/10/2022). The activity collaborated with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and the Teras Madina Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) community assisted by Dompet Dhuafa. This activity strengthens AXA Mandiri’s commitment as a community partner in the health and finance sector.
There were 4 (four) actions that took place in the event; the presentation of waqf literacy and free health checks from Dompet Dhuafa, health education related to cancer with Dra. Sri Widayanti from the Srikandi Indonesia community, and Islamic financial literacy with the Chief Syariah of AXA Mandiri, Srikandi Utami.
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Director of AXA Mandiri, Uke Giri Utama said, this event is an implementation of the Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS) program initiated by President Joko Widodo in Presidential Instruction No. 1/2017. This activity is a joint effort in improving the health and quality of life of the Indonesian people. So that sustainable development in the health sector can be achieved in the future. This is the third GERMAS activity organized by AXA Mandiri and the Indonesian Ministry of Health. Previously, AXA Mandiri in collaboration with Bank Mandiri and BUMN house held similar events in Jakarta and Bogor.
“Strong synergy and good collaboration between AXA Mandiri and the Indonesian Ministry of Health are expected to provide maximum benefits in improving health, as well as protection against life risks, including being exposed to critical illnesses to the community,” said Uke in front of hundreds of participants who attended face-to-face or online (hybrid).
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On the same occasion, AXA Mandiri Syariah also handed over assistance for MSME support equipment as well as supporting the Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS) worth IDR 10 million, for the Teras Madina community through Dompet Dhuafa. AXA Mandiri Syariah hopes that this donation can help Teras Madina be more productive and independent again which is manifested in increasing turnover and also the quality of their food sales.
“We are very proud to collaborate with AXA Mandiri Syariah. Together, they held activities in the Madina Zone which is the management area of ZIS (Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah) and Dompet Dhuafa Wakaf. Hopefully, this initiative will continue in the future and Islamic financial literacy will increase. Currently, people still need to be aroused by their awareness, that insurance products are worth wakaf,” said GM Fundraising Wakaf Dompet Dhuafa, Bobby P Manullang.
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The Indonesian Ministry of Health welcomes germas collaboration with AXA Mandiri. Because this activity not only improves the health of the Indonesian people, but also creates a culture of awareness, willingness, and ability to behave healthily in the long term, in order to create a more advanced Indonesian nation in the future.
“In order to realize the highest degree of public health, we strive to do synergistic work with the government, academics, zakat institutions, and the mass media. We very much welcome this activity, as well as appreciation to AXA Mandiri in collaboration with Dompet Dhuafa for organizing this activity. So that the community can be healthier and more productive, which ultimately supports the development of the country,” said Functional Promkes and Young Expert Behavioral Sciences, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Ira Okta.
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AXA Mandiri’s commitment to improving public health is also reflected in the health campaign entitled AXA Mandiri FIT Challenge and Emma #PatahkanMitos which is currently underway. Through the FIT Challenge, AXA Mandiri invites people to start healthy living habits by eating healthy foods and exercising and accepting challenges for 60 days to achieve a fit body. Fit Challenge activities are open to the public and free by registering at
Meanwhile, through Emma #PatahkanMitos AXA Mandiri helps the public sort information through simple, easy-to-digest fact-based guides and advice and from trusted sources to make it easier for customers to get the right information about protection and health.
“Through this activity, we hope that the community will increase awareness of a healthy lifestyle. However, when health risks occur, the costs incurred to return to health can interfere with financial conditions. For this reason, let’s live a healthy life and believe we can realize a healthy life by having planned finances,” concluded Uke. (Dompet Dhuafa/AXA Mandiri/Dhika)