
JAKARTA – The Aku Temanmu Counseling House was in a series of events at the Jakarta Humanity Festival (Jakhumfest) 2023 on the second day, Sunday (29/1/2023) at Pos bloc, Philatelic, Jakarta. Aku temanmu is packaged in the Story Corner Workshop segment for Jakhumfest 2023 visitors so that they can tell their grievances or pour out their hearts’ feelings to peer counsellors.

One of the accompanying peer counsellors is Nurul Amanah. She said Aku Temanmu, together with Dompet Dhuafa, provide consultation services on various problems faced in the community. This consultation service is due to Jakhumfest’s concern and concern for the most common social problems.

“Aku Temanmu is a social institution organization which is an educational program from Dompet Dhuafa Banten, and we are a service that focuses on mental health issues. Therefore, there is a main service, namely consulting services, where we open consultations online and offline,” explained Nurul Amanah Volunteer House of Counseling, Aku Temanmu.

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Visitors who want to consult or pour out their hearts will be handled by a Peer Counselor trained in Aku Temanmu. Not only offline counselling, but visitors can also counsel through digital platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet.

“We are specifically with counsellors whom Aku Temanmu has trained. We directly practice peer counselling, so when some participants or friends come to Jakhumfest want direct counselling, we provide a place to contact counsel immediately,” continued Nurul.

There are three primary services in this Story Corner Workshop: Information, Consulting and Education Services. These three services aim to provide the broadest possible benefit to people who need help obtaining information, consultation, and education.

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It is known that the Jakmhufest 2023 event also presents a talk show entitled “Reasons Why We Should Stay Alive”. According to the Chairman of Jakarta Humanity Festival 2023, Dandy E Fathony, mental health was chosen because it is an issue related to young people or Gen Z.

For this reason, Aku temanmu is present at Jakhumfest as a story companion for those in need. Aku temanmu has a mentoring program for volunteers, communities, and peer counsellors. The Aku Temanmu Counseling House already has volunteers in eight regions, including Sumatra, Jakarta, Banten, Jogjakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Eastern Indonesia.

One of the visitors who came to attend this service was Muhamad Hunaifi Muizi. Muiz is pleased with this free counselling service. According to him, the existence of counselling and consultation services during this big event is new and rarely encountered.

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“I’m delighted, so we can look at our problems or happy stories that hold our minds, so it’s more difficult. There’s constant technology, and sign language is also interactive; cool. First, I knew that there would be a music concert at Pos Bloc, which was part of the Jakarta Humanity Festival, and it turned out to be cool. Later I was again interested in humanitarian issues,” Muiz told Dompet Dhuafa.