8 Virtues of Dhuha Prayer, Opening a Special Door to Heaven

Dhuha prayer is known as a sunnah prayer that brings sustenance. This prayer is also included in one of the sunnahs of the Prophet Muhammad Saw which is highly recommended for Muslims. The virtues of Dhuha prayer are mentioned in various traditions, one of which is the narration of Abu Hurairah who said that the Prophet said, “Allah said: ‘O son of Adam, pray Dhuha prayer, surely I will provide for you’.”

Not only bringing sustenance, the virtues of Dhuha prayer can also be seen in the 8 points below:

The Virtues of Dhuha Prayer

Here are a series of virtues of Dhuha prayer that will be obtained by a Muslim:

1. Palace in Heaven Built

“The Prophet said: ‘Whoever prays 12 rak’ahs of Dhuha, Allah will build for him a palace of gold in Paradise’.”

(HR Ibn Majah)

Heaven is the hope and ultimate goal for almost all Muslims in the world. It can be obtained one of them by performing Dhuha prayer. As mentioned in the hadith in the bag, if a Muslim performs Dhuha prayer consistently, Allah will build a palace of gold for him in heaven. Through this, we can see that Allah does not only provide material sustenance, but also greater sustenance, namely appreciation from Allah.

2. Dhuha Prayer is the same as Charity

“The Prophet said: ‘Every joint of the body of every one of you should be given in charity every day. Saying one tasbih (subhanallah) is equal to one charity, one tahmid (alhamdulillah) is equal to one charity, one tahlil (la ilaha illallah) is equal to one charity, one takbir (allahu akbar) is equal to one charity, one call for good is equal to one charity, and one prevention of evil is equal to one charity. All of these can be fulfilled by performing two rak’ahs of Dhuha prayer.”

(HR Muslim and Abu Dawud)

The above Hadith teaches people that everyone has the responsibility to do good deeds and perform charity, be it through speech or action. If you don’t give alms with materials, Dhuha prayer can be a substitute. Even through Dhuha prayer we also have the opportunity to get a great reward from Allah SWT. Every prayer and remembrance chanted in our prayers will also prevent us from doing evil. Life like this will also bring many blessings.

3. Forgiven Sins

“The Prophet said: ‘Whoever keeps Dhuha prayer, his sins will be forgiven even if they are as much as the foam in the sea’.”

(HR Ibn Majah)

The Prophet explained that Allah will forgive the sins of someone who keeps or istikamah in running the Dhuha prayer. As we know, the challenge of praying Dhuha is quite heavy. Because we are busy with daily activities such as work, we often neglect it. But if we can fight it, then Allah’s reward is beyond measure, namely forgiving the mistakes we have made.

4. Like being reborn

As we grow older, the sins we commit increase. Consciously or unconsciously, many decisions in life that we make are based on mere lust. By practicing Dhuha prayer regularly, we can clear ourselves again. As the hadith reads:

“Whoever performs the Fajr prayer and then sits down and does not utter a word in vain, but rather remembers Allah and performs four Rak’ahs of Dhuha prayer, his sins will be wiped away, like a child who has just been born by his mother, he has no sins.”

(HR Abu Ya’la)

5. Needs are Met

Another virtue of Dhuha prayer is that it opens up sustenance for us, because Allah promises to guarantee our needs from morning to evening. This means that we will feel sufficient and far from difficulties. Dhuha prayer will also make us people who are always grateful and remember Allah’s blessings.

“Allah swt says: ‘O son of Adam, bow (pray) for me at the beginning of the afternoon (Dhuha prayer) four rak’ahs, then I will fulfill your (needs) until the afternoon’.”

(HR Imam Ahmad)

6. Rewards like Hajj and Umrah

Performing the fifth pillar of Islam, namely hajj or umrah, is something that may not be possible for all Muslims. This is because this act of worship requires a large amount of money, a qualified physique, and a strong mentality. However, we can still get the reward by praying Dhuha. God willing, by consistently praying Dhuha prayer, Allah will also enable us to worship the Holy Land of Makkah.

“The Prophet said: ‘Whoever prays Fajr in congregation and then sits in remembrance of Allah until the sun rises and then performs two rak’ahs of Dhuha prayer, then for him it will be like the reward of Hajj and ‘Umrah, fully, fully, fully’.”

(HR Tirmidhi)

7. Physical and Mental Health

Dhuha prayer is a prayer that is performed with a time span from early morning to late afternoon. This is the best time for humans to start their activities. Prayer can improve blood circulation and provide positive energy to get through the day. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety, so that the mind and soul are calm because they are connected to Allah Swt. This will certainly have a positive impact on our mental health.

By performing Dhuha prayer, we can experience profound spiritual and psychological benefits. This contributes to physical health and peace of mind.

8. Entering Heaven Through a Special Door

Perhaps the greatest happiness of Muslims is to be able to enter His paradise in good condition. Especially if the entry is through extraordinary “awards”. Dhuha prayer can be a way to open the “award”, which is a special entrance to heaven.

“The Prophet said: ‘Verily in Paradise there will be a door called adh-Dhuha, and on the Day of Judgment there will be a call, where are those who perpetuate Dhuha prayer, this is your door, enter you with the grace of Allah Swt’.”

(HR Thabrani)

Hopefully the 8 virtues of Dhuha prayer above can call the soul of all of you to consistently perform it. After praying Dhuha, you can also practice Dhuha prayer in the article Dhuha Prayer Complete with Meaning and Benefits of Dhuha Practice in the Hereafter. Friends, may we all be included in the group of servants of Allah who are safe until the land of the hereafter. Aamiiin… (RQA)