waktu kurban

What if the sacrificial animal is slaughtered after the 14th of Dhū al-Ḥijjah?

Eid al-Adha is one of the celebrations awaited by Muslims. Sometimes, there are conditions where slaughtering sacrificial animals is not enough if carried out all Day. It will usually be […]

In addition to Hajj and Sacrifice, this is the Practice of the Month of Dhū al-Ḥijjah whose Rewards Are Multiple.

The month of Dhū al-Ḥijjah is one of the four months in Islam mentioned in the Qur’an At-Tawbah verse 36. In this month, sins are washed away; rewards are multiplied. […]

The theorem of the Pilgrimage Order from the Prophet Abraham and Muhammad PBUH to the Muslims

Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are two prophets of Allah with the title ulul Azmi. Both are called ulul azmi because they […]

Before Going to Hajj and Umrah, Get to Know These Parts of the Kaaba

Every Muslim desires to perform Hajj in the Holy Land. The motivation to go there was simply to come closer to Allah Swt and see the Kaaba, the first human-built […]

The Meaning of Talbiyah Sentence, Complete with Arabic Transliteration and Its Meaning

“Labbaikallahuma labbaik.. Labbaika la syarika laka labbaik..” Almost all Muslims know lafaz this sentence, but perhaps not all know it is a Talbiyah sentence. This sentence is repeatedly said when […]