SERANG, BANTEN — Achmad Wardi Eye Hospital, located in Lontarbaru, Serang, is the first waqf-based eye hospital in Asia. The eye hospital was built by utilizing waqf funds from Dompet Dhuafa’s endowers and the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI).
The hospital has a variety of the best medical facilities from Germany. As a Center for Retina and Glucoma, Achmad Wardi Eye Hospital not only deals with cataracts that are common among the elderly, but also other eye diseases.
On Sunday (29/9/2024), Chairman of the Trustees, Parni Hadi, together with Chairman of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation Board, Ahmad Juwaini, had the opportunity to visit Achmad Wardi Eye Hospital during a visit to Serang City. There they conducted examinations with modern equipment and consultations with ophthalmologists.
“Health services must be done well for anyone, regardless of where they come from. Dompet Dhuafa is present for all, regardless of ethnicity and religion. DD is present as rahmatan lil ‘alamin. Let’s keep the outward eye and increase the sharpness of the inner eye (heart) with us, Achmad Wardi Dompet Dhuafa Eye Hospital, Serang, Banten,” said Parni Hadi.

This special eye hospital is a collaborative program between Dompet Dhuafa and the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI) that specializes in eye examinations and operates as a Class C special hospital. All equipment and facilities in this eye hospital are waqf assets from the community.
It can be said that this eye hospital is a great collaboration in collecting and managing waqf funds for social purposes. There is professionalism in the management of waqf funds, so that waqf assets can be utilized as widely as possible for the community, especially for those who fall into the poor/dhuafa category, and have difficulty accessing health services, especially for the eyes.
As we all know, cataract eye disease is the biggest endemic in Banten Province, even nationally. The presence of Achmad Wardi Eye Hospital in Serang City is certainly very helpful to the community and an oasis, because public health facilities there are still very difficult to access.
Read also: Caring for Eye Health, Dompet Dhuafa and Perdami Roll Out Indonesia Staring at the World Program

“Every month, Dompet Dhuafa Banten and Achmad Wardi Eye Hospital always open and serve free cataract surgery regularly for dhuafa who do not have BPJS and do not have the ability to have eye surgery. To this day, 10-15 people regularly undergo free eye surgery without paying, and even get shuttle services from home to return home,” explained Mokhlas Pidono as Branch Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Banten.
There are so many benefits of waqf for people in need if managed properly and professionally. May Dompet Dhuafa and BWI continue to be trustworthy and istikamah in carrying out their role as waqf nazir. And, to be able to develop more waqf assets, so that they can reach a wider community and spread wider benefits as well. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photo: Dian Mulyadi
Editor: Ronna